Advice please

hi all, I have progressive Ms and have been up and down lately. Felt awful all day weak arms and legs and very tired. Tonight while standing in the kitchen I passed out. Woke up on kitchen floor, I feel very weak and shakes has this happened to anyone else? I am now feeling very vulnerable and scared.

thanks ann x

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Hi Ann,

That’s such a shame - I really hope you did not hurt yourself as you fell? Have you been taking a lot out of yourself lately? Are you eating well and drinking plenty? Weakness and tiredness sounds all too familiar to me, but I’m not sure of passing out - this has not happened to me so far at least. My advice is perhaps not great, but I would say please rest and relax as much as possible in the meantime and talk to your MS nurse or doctor about the passing out - see if they can help/advise on this.

Take care.

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Thanks lapwing, no I have been taking it easy over the Christmas and have had plenty of rest. I only slightly hurt myself as I could feel it starting to happen and had got myself onto my knees before I fully went.

ann x

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Hi Ann, no you shouldn’t be passing out.

Give the GP a call in the morning. Might be something else going on… maybe short of iron or something.

Let us know how it goes.

Take care,

Pat xx

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I said on another post earlier this morning about perching stools in the kitchen. I used to use one to do the spuds and wash up. Fatigue management is the hardest thing to achieve. As for passing out see your GP. That’s an order not an option. Imagine had you been outside and fallen into the road and been hit by a car. Lecture over.

Speak to an OT to get assesed for stuff to make life easier grab rails stairlift etc. You don’t know if you don’t ask.

Don XX

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Hi Ann

I agree with the others, see your gp and get this checked out, it maybe your blood pressure has dropped when you get up.

Pam x

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Hi Ann

I pass out at times and it isn’t caused by MS but other things eg low blood pressure, anaemia or if I don’t eat properly and my blood sugar drops. I agree, you need to see your gp. You may even be starting with a virus and your body is run down. All of these problems are easily sorted out, don’t worry too much but the others are right, it can be dangerous. Just a quick idea, has you had a bath/shower just before, as heat is one of my main triggers?

Please let us know how you get on

Cath x

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Hi Ann,

I agree with everyone…the passing out could be caused by various things but you should see your GP. As a Don said it could have happened somewhere far more dangerous…with terrible consequences.

Good luck, let us know if you get any answers.

Nina x

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Ann now I am being nosy let us know how you get on. I have had it a few times as a precursor to an infection it can hurt banging your head on the computer table or a door frame, I remember it so well GRRRRR I love Ms, honest I do really.



Hi, well Don you hit the nail on the head, I seen gp tonight and I have a uti. Explains why I have felt so awful the last few days. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quick. Thanks everyone for your helpful replies.

ann x

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I’m glad you’ve got answers Ann. Too many of us just accept symptoms as being part of having ms when there are other things wrong with us which could be easily treated. A lesson to all of us. Good luck with the antibiotics, hopefully you’ll feel better in about 3 days when they kick in.

Cath x

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So pleased you got it sorted Ann, hope you soon feel much better.

Nina x

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So pleased you saw the GP Ann… now you can get it cleared up.

Pat xx

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Hope you feel better soon , i get weak arms and legs and shakes, im not diagnosed yet but i suffer from low iron and that can add to the weakness

Take care Michelle