Access to Work grant queries

Does anyone have any recent experience of the Access to Work benefit? Particularly with regards to the taxi element. My work (large bank) have been great and everything in the office with adjustments etc is sorted by them.

All the previous threads on this are quite old and obviously the DWP site is not great in the detail.

I get the higher mobility level for ADP for my PPMS and public transport is no longer an option. I can make it from my front door to a taxi and at the other end at my office. I have been doing this for the last few months and it takes a chunk out the benefit - which is exactly what it should be used for - and has been a godsend but an acquaintance mentioned this access to work as a separate benefit.

Basic questions are:

  • once you get your 3 quotes and an amount agreed do you have to use that specific cab company with that exact quote or can you use any company but can only claim up to that amount? I find Uber much more reliable/slightly cheaper than the local black cab but won’t be able to get quotes from them.

  • is it still manually sending in paper receipts every month to claim the fares back. Seems archaic these days.

  • can you only claim the very specific home to work journeys? 2 days a week I go to the physio/PT straight from work then home. Maybe you can put those 2 journeys as one but obviously only claim the amount agreed for the single journey home?

I have submitted my application but they said 8 weeks for a response so just want to get all my ducks in a row first.



I was just awarded a grant and have exactly the same questions you have. Cant get through on the phone yet.

Good timing - Mine is active now.

They didn’t ask for proof of quotes. I just told them Uber was usually between £8-£11 and they awarded me £11 per journey.

They also said splitting the journey was fine and to just claim for one of them so I claim for the physio to home section.

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Spoke to them on the phone earlier and they seem flexible in terms of journey and destinations. Thanks for your post on splitting- I wouldn’t have thought of that.