Hi everyone,
I have just had a ecg and it is abnormal. I have had a few ecg’s that are abnormal, for a number of years. Was looked into. Nurse advised to send me for a 24hour ecg. Nurse also mentioned ms could be causing this ?
Anyone had any symptoms like this ?
Thanks for any help.
Interesting. Do you know in what ways the ECG is abnormal?
I’ve had a couple of ECGs in my time - one, plus a 24 hours monitor for what I thought was a high level of missed heart beats but it turned out that there was nothing wrong and I was well within the range for missed beats. I can’t remember what the other was for.
Hi Hank_Dogs,
Non specific but significant ST-T wave abnormalities V3-V4/V5/aVF
I dont understand it.
I shall ask my wife if this means anything to her . She used to be a nurse (although not in the cardiology area)
Hi Hank_Dogs,
I appreciate that.
It also states a little less extensive than seen in 2019.
I asked my wife but she can’t throw any particular light on the matter and can suggest only that you ask the Cardiologist or Nurse for more info. So - everything thing from hereon is just me speculating.
I know that indirectly MS itself can cause various other health issues some of which are to do with the Cardiovascular system! I’m also very aware that particularly over the last few years and because of MS I’ve tended to become a bit sedentary and , coincidentally or not, my blood pressure has gone up. My challenge is to spend less time sitting down!
I’m a bit of a believer in following a healthy diet to help my body and brain deal with MS and hopefully to help a bit with the natural regeneration of nerves. I tend to follow the diet described on the website of Overcoming MS but it’s not vastly different to the Mediterranean diet and other similar ones. I know I’m fighting a losing battle but ‘every bit helps’ I’ve come across a phrase that is my sort of guide: what’s good for the heart is good for the brain ( this is in reference to both diet and exercise).
I also tend to take an interest in all sort of things that might help in dealing with MS. One such that was in the general MS news was ‘fasting diets’. In the last 6 months or so I’ve adopted ‘intermittent fasting’ where I eat only within an 8 hour slot each day. I’ve no idea Whether it’s because of my general ‘healthy diet’ or the intermittent fasting but I had some routine blood tests a few weeks ago and the GP remarked that my cholesterol levels ( which used to be a bit high) were really good/ lowest he had seen in ages. I’m kind of hoping that this is good news for my cardiovascular functioning and that following a healthy diet ( and doing some exercise!) might protect me a bit from any effects that MS might have on my heart and circulation.
Hoping that this might be of some interest and help.
All the best
Hi Hank_Dogs
Thankyou for your reply.
Seen gp and reassured me that it is similar to ecg taken in 2019, so not to worry.
Thanks again for your reply.
I’ve recently had my beta blocker increased due to further episodes of supra ventricular tachycardia. I was diagnosed in December with ms, then high blood pressure then I finally had my 24 hour ecg they picked up svt. So I then had a 7 day ecg, waiting to see a cardiologist.