Since the snow has come all the wife has done is look through the window.
If she does it again I might have to let her in.
Japanese scientists have invented a super fast shutter speed on a camera.
They can now photograph women with their mouths shut!!
(No offence intended to women as I am one).
Shazzie xx
giggle, titter, guffaw, smirk
Nice one, well two actually.
Really pleased you liked them.
Shazzie xx
Shazzie, I think I am starting to NEED you - to make me giggle at least once a week
Sonia xx
Keep them coming Shazzie, you make me giggle too!!!
Awww. Thank you soooo much Becky and Sonia.
I have got a load more so will definitely send them in weekly so we can have a chuckle!!!
Shazzie xx