Your GP cannot treat you as a private patient

Hi there I only found out today that your own GP cannot treat you as a private patient, so if you need a private prescription written for a private drug they cannot do it you have to see a GP you’re not registered with. Is this public knowledge and me just been stupid?

No! I thought they could do it.

But I can see valid reasons for it not being allowed. If your own GP was allowed to do it, what would stop them profiteering by “encouraging” impressionable patients to opt for more profitable private consultations and private 'scrips, even when same or better was available on the NHS?

I suppose, if you have to approach another GP, it’s clear the initiative must have come from the patient - there’s no question of the GP having used improper influence to make a bit extra on-the-side.


Yes they can mine did few years back.

Read this on NHS website maybe your GP just don’t want to for what ever reason and what your asking for.

i saw a private doctor for my first LDN prescription but after 6 months my own gp said he would write me a private prescription.

so it seems to be variable!

carole x

I think it may be a new ruling Hobbs, I’ve been today and was told by my GP no doctor in my surgery can treat me privately they are not allowed to anymore! Juefaz

It’s strange because 4 months ago my neuro said he would prescribe the free months trial of fampyra for me then when i got my appointment in january to get it he said there was a new ruling where he could no longer provide his NHS patients with a private prescription but he would try and work something out that was 8 weeks ago and I’m still waiting. By the way regarding LDN both my neuro and GP will not give me a private prescription for it I get it through emed and yet there’s a neuro in the same hospital as mine who prescribes it to his patients! Juefaz

How are you finding LDN juefaz X

Oh interesting on fampyra, I know a few people on it one has same neuro as me he arranged the first month free as your know by then if it works or not, then after that you pay the £180 odd to a company each month and they deliever it.

I always thought it was a neuro bod who can sort out the fampyra not a GP though.

Ok asked friend her/mine neuro did her a prescription and it gets delivered by Bupa and she just rings up each month for new supply and pays for it over phone

Hobs yes that’s exactly how it works I have actually spoken to bupa and they said they just need the prescription from my neuro but it’s the neuro who I’m having the problem with first he said yes he would prescribe it then the next minute he’s saying he can’t because rules have changed and he can’t write a private prescription for me as I’m his NHS patient. I just spoke to the GP because I thought I might have more luck with him, apparently a GP can write a private prescription for fampyra if the Neuro gives it the go ahead but you can’t have a private consultation with your own GP which is what he told me yesterday

Emfraserburgh Wouldn’t be without my LDN been on it for 4 years, although I have progressed a bit,( which it’s not meant to help with anyway) it is more for symptom relief, right from the start it has helped with my bladder and cog fog mostly. Do you take it? Jue

Blimey some people get some real hassle with their Neuro’s mine does alot of private work as well as work at 2 hospitals he’s more open minded with most things.

I’m pretty sure there is no NHS rule and he or she is avoiding prescribing fampyra for some reason.

I know 4 on it and one of them has had amazing results with it not in walking faster but more thinking alertness and balance stability, shes only on copaxone so it’s not a DMD thats done this.

On the other 3 I’ve not seen any real difference though they say its working.

It has a low success rate but when it works it works, same thing with modafinil etc. maybe change Neuro?

Hobs My neuro works at two hospitals too and does private work but this is how it went: I sent a message back in October to my neuro via my ms nurse to ask if I could try fampyra, the reply I got back from neuro was yes but it’s complicated, had an appointment with him in November I asked again as I was face to face this time, he said yes but I can only prescribe it from my london hospital, so waited until January to get an appointment in London, when I saw him there this is when he told me the rules have changed and he could no longer write private prescriptions for his NHS patients but he would see what he could do, I asked how long that would take he said if you haven’t heard from me in 3 weeks contact my secretary, 3 weeks past nothing so i rang the secretary he said he didn’t know anything about it and would pass the message onto the neuro, still nothing, I left a message for his MS nurse in London no reply from her either, so I emailed my own MS nurse who has been trying on my behalf to find out what is going on she can’t get a reply from my neuro either, im now 8 weeks down the line or 5 months if you count from when I originally asked, to say I’m frustrated is an understatement!! I am considering changing neurologists not because of this especially but this is how things have been with him since i have been under his “care”!! So this really has been the last straw


Blimey some people get some real hassle with their Neuro’s mine does alot of private work as well as work at 2 hospitals he’s more open minded with most things.

I’m pretty sure there is no NHS rule and he or she is avoiding prescribing fampyra for some reason.

I know 4 on it and one of them has had amazing results with it not in walking faster but more thinking alertness and balance stability, shes only on copaxone so it’s not a DMD thats done this.

On the other 3 I’ve not seen any real difference though they say its working.

It has a low success rate but when it works it works, same thing with modafinil etc. maybe change Neuro?

[/quote]Lets hope it works for me Hobs as my NHS neuro gave me a private prescription for Fampyra yesterday morning. Including the first month free.

Re above Your NHS neuro gave you a private prescription for fampyra yesterday? So that proves there is no such rule as neuros not been able to write private prescriptions for their NHS patients then? It’s only the free trial I’m after at the mo anyway so I really don’t get what the problem is Jue

I don’t no if they are allowed to offically do it. Which is the reason i have gone anon as it would be quite easy to go back and look through my posts and find out who my Neuro is.

Actually they must be able to do it as my MS nurse knew why i was seeing him and they took bloods at the hospital yesterday (on his instruction) to check kidney function and he said his secretary would fax everything to Heathcare at home on monday. So nothing was done in secret

Like I said I know 4 women who are on it, 1 go it through same Neuro as mine and other 3 went to their own Neuro (Different PCT to mine), all 4 people are on NHS and see their Neuro on the NHS.

The last one only tried Fampyra 3 weeks ago.

Thanks everyone foryour replies. I don’t know what’s going on then I had a feeling he was just fobbing me off I just wanted to see if anyone else has managed to do it without a problem. I’ll be speaking to PALS tomorrow to find out whats going on! Jue

Good luck with PALS I’ve used them before very helpful