Work and self isolating

Hi , I’ve not been here for a while but I wanted a little advice . Due to the government’s new relaxing of the lockdown and going back to work I’m a little unsure of what to do. I’ve been self isolating since the beginning but now work want me to go back on the 1st June…I work in a school setting My problem is I dont have a letter ,which work want me to produce to enable me to still stay at home. I’m very unsure of what to do now Advice please ???


I sympathise with your problem.

I believe the CAB might be able to help. They’re not seeing people face-to-face just now, but they are taking telephone enquiries; it could be worth calling them.

Also, are you in a Union? They might be worth a try.

Best of luck


I saw my MS nurse last week and she said that they were not automatically sending out letters but if someone needed one to give to work then they would do it so maybe contact your MS team and see if they can give you a letter.



Ben Thank you for that info , never thought of them Many thanks

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I’ll give them a ring tomorrow Got to be worth a try Thank you for that info

Hi, I am new to the forum and this is my first time posting but I feel like I can relate to your situation. I am recently diagnosed (6 weeks ago) with rapidly evolving severe RRMS. I have been having a pretty debilitating relapse, symptoms of which are just starting to improve as I have started treatment with Tysabri.

Like yourself, I have been asked to return to work on 1st June as I am a teacher and currently working from home. Since not classed as ‘shielding’ they’ve also asked for written evidence as to why I should stay at home. A little confused since the most recent government guidelines states clinically vulnerable should work from home where they can (which I have been doing since schools were closed).

This is all very new to me so unsure what to do from here. I’ve not yet met my MS nurse but may have to also try and contact them tomorrow. Hopefully you’ll get some answers too.

Sorry ,I’ve only just seen your message . I rang my MS nurse on friday. Still not received a call back, they did explain in a message on the phone that they are busier with calls than normal. I’m going to give them another ring tomorrow see if I get any response. My MS is fairly stable, and I’m currently taking Tec , so I know it’s not one of the DMD’s that is on any of the lists I’ve read up about …but it still worries me. Surely me just having MS would be enough evidence. The government guidelines are there and clear to read so I’m not sure why they need to have a letter . I hope you get somewhere with the info you’re after .

Hello, I’m also new to this forum, I’ve been in a similar situation, please let me track your situation, I hope everything will be fine

How did you get on? Have you gone back to work?

Hi gdgdsarah, I’m in the same position as you. My MS nurse said I was at risk but low risk because I don’t take immune suppressant drugs. I also spoke to my GP who said I was high risk but I was in the clinically vulnerable category NOT the clinically extremely vulnerable group! There was no reason why I could not back BUT I had to stick to a stringent 2-metre social distance.

I did ask for guidance on what measures they would be taking for me and I am not classroom-based, I will be working in the staffroom, assisting with the on-line learning for other pupils. Well, that’s what I’ve been told but anything could happen by the time the kids come in. I did go in for a team meeting and was extremely anxious as to not get near anyone but the staff have been advised that myself and 2 other staff have to follow that stringent rule.

Ask them what necessary precautions they are taking and read up on all the government advice on the site regarding Covid 19 in Educations and Childcare settings.

Hope this helps

I disagree that schools should go back so soon. All I keep hearing is that the virus is unlike anything that has been dealt with before. So why gamble with so many people not knowing what the outcome will be? I know all the ifs, buts and maybes. I also have common sense.

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I agree with you but I have no choice and the GP said I’m OK to go back! It’s too soon in my opinion and what scientific evidence do they have?

Just to give an update… I also tried to get through to my MS nurse but had no luck so made sure I read up on all of the government advice ready for my next conversation with school.

Turns out they’ve done a total 360 and as of yesterday are now encouraging me to work from home since adhering to the stringent social distancing in school would have meant being shut away in a room on my own anyway. Now no mention of needing letters from a consultant/GP or talk of me having to go on the sick if I didn’t come into school… so maybe they’ve decided having MS is enough evidence after all.

Hope everyone gets the answers they are after.

That’s great news. I’m still going to school but in a classroom with 2 teachers so we will be able to socially distance ourselves. I’m still anxious about it and still think it’s a huge experiment to see how it pans out. No PPE for those in the classroom though - I think that’s wrong!

Hi I also work in a school and my head is fab. She sent me home on the Tuesday before the lockdown of schools on the Friday saying that I was classed as vulnerable and she needed to keep me safe. I have worked from home throughout providing resources. 2 week’s ago she sent all staff an email to ask who couldn’t return on the 1st and why not. I phoned my ms nurse for advice and she said no I was to stay at home and she emailed me a letter to that effect. My head told me she didn’t expect me to return in her response when I contacted her about returning she said it was for other members of staff to reply who feel they should stay at home i.e no childcare, others vulnerable in their household etc. I am very lucky at my school. Goodluck xx

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That’s also great news. Our school has delayed opening for a week but I’m in tomorrow, printing packs for children!