Self isolation letter

Hey everyone

Hope you’re all well and surviving? Just a quick question to find out if anyone got a letter advising them to self isolate? I’m on tysabri and was told I wouldn’t get one as I have white blood cells as affects blood brain barrier and not allowing white blood cells into the brain. Also it’s quite late really. Although I’ve been self isolating and working from home.
interested to hear everyone else’s experience

Hello everyone

Hope everyone keeping well and safe.I have been working from home since finishing up on the 16th March when my senior management team advised me to as their duty of care. I did not receive a letter stating isolating and told my work but they have said that they would still prefer me to work from home. x

That’s really good of your employer. I got sent home to work from home too before receiving the letter

I got a shielding letter in the post it stated it came from my GP’s. I went on the Gov website as instructed in the letter to register. I did and about the third question was do you have one of the following conditions and lists about six. I replied no and your session on the website is promptly ended. I rang the GP Surgery and they knew nothing about the letter. They have me down as vulnerable rather than especially so. They advised I was ok to take the dog out daily so long as I was careful to socially distance. My son is able to shop for me and leave it on the doorstep, Where the letter came from is a mystery, I am more inclined to follow the advice given locally.

Hi I only got my letter yesterday… I’m on mavenclad so I’ve qualified for the high risk group. It’s a loooong letter. So yes, letters are very late in some cases. Katy

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All we can do is follow all advice given and stay safe. I truly hope this ends soon and the world returns to some sort of norm, albeit remembering all the poor families involved in with this awful virus. Stay safe.xx


Hope everyone is keeping safe.

I have today received a letter from my GP advising that I’m at risk of severe illness if I catch Covid 19.

Luckily as a family we have been isolating for the last few weeks.
I’m on Tysabri and I also have mild asthma.

Stay safe everyone

Hi Katy

My letter is really short. One paragraph and from my neuro team. Suggested going to a website for more covid advice and that’s it!

Hi I received my loooong letter today stating that I “have been identified as someone of risk of severe illness if you catch covid 19” and the advice is too stay in for 12 weeks .The letter also states this is proof for your employer and do not need a sick note. I am already home working.

I am having Ocevus infusions although the 3rd full dose that was due 5 weeks ago has been delayed,i must say i have noticed some exacerbation of symptoms now but this may be due to increased stress .My son ,daughter in law and daughter are all on front line in nhs .Today my daughter has been transferred to work on new nightingale hospital.

I shall be out tonight clapping for everyone .

I had my letter today as well. I have Addison’s disease so steroid dependant. I had to ask the GP if I was meant to have a letter as wanted to shop on line due to the fatigue from my MS. I can now get my elderly neighbours shopping as well.

I take my hat off to your family and hope they all stay safe and well.

I recieved my very very long letter as well from Neurology with contact info, if I need it plus advice to work from home & the 12 week item as well, plus i’m on copaxone & it is not deemed, high risk.