I’m following the OMS diet, www.overcomingmultiplesclerosis.org and as such only take vit B12 (meat and dairy free diet) and have vit D3 5000IU to take in winter (I know this is over the recently advised guidelines but it is what is recommended by OMS). I’ve never been a big supplements person personally and prefer to get all by diet. I have increased my omega 3 by eating oily fish and taking flaxseed oil, I’m sure I get enough of the others anyway.
I tried to post an identical post to yours on Saturday but for some reason it disappeared. In short Im sorry I do not know the answer! I was dx 18 months ago and went mad on supps and HBOT but then noticing no change I stopped everything 5 months ago except D3 and LDN. Do I feel any different? No, though Im thinking I should be taking them. Its so confusing isn’t it? Neuros are no help, vit companies out to make money so who knows?
The only supplement with scientific evidence to support its use in MS is vitamin D3. The most commonly recommended amount is 5,000iu a day. I take 5,000iu and 10,000iu on alternate days because 5,000iu a day wasn’t enough to get my D3 level up to 150nmol/l.
I also take 100mcg B12 a day purely because it seems sensible rather than there is any evidence that it helps MS. This is because B12 is involved in cell repair and our bodies do a lot of that - so keeping it available in my system sort of makes sense. There is also a higher incidence of B12 deficiency in MSers than in the non-MS population.
The other things I take, I don’t take for MS. (B2 for migraine, calcium because I’m prone to low levels, omega 3 for brain/cognition - there’s no evidence that omega 3 helps MS despite what some people claim.)
I take a fair amount of supplements each day for general health reasons and some of them because I am prescribed them and some because they were recommended to me by my neurologist. Per day: I take a tablet of 10,000iu vitamin D3 2 flaxseed oil tablets which has omega 3,6&9 in it (can’t take fish oil as I’m allergic to fish) 2 magnesium and zinc tablets 1 multivitamin tablet 1 evening primrose oil tablet 2 ginko biloba tablets 1 folic acid tablet 1 glucosamine tablet 1 acai berry capsule And monthly I get an injection of vitamin b12. Personally I know it’s a fair amount of tablet to take but I’ve noticed a difference to numerous things since taking them. My hair loss is still happening due to whatever is going on but my hair is shiny and looks healthy (except for thin). My skin looks good and I look like I’m actually alive instead of a pale face! And my nails are amazing - prior to starting the tablets my nails were short and I could never grow them but now they are long and really strong. Since my b12 injections my nerve pain has more than halved which is amazing. So personally for me the supplements have been great
For me - vit D 20,000 twice weekly. B12 - I would like injections but im not clinically low. From a previous thread people were saying you could buy in Europe but not here. Also magnesium really really helps stop my leg stiffness. But as has been said it’s very personal and you could end up spending a fortune. Sorry forgot also St Johns Wort for mood - a bit controversial. I believe NICE dont recommend it for anyone but GPs in Getmany prescribe it !!! Just find what you are happy with, Hugs Min xx
hi .diagnosed 10 months ago and neurologist advised vitamin D Take 5.000 u daily. bought on amazon 360 tablets £10.18. Also take evening primrose, fish oils 1000,vit b complex,magnessium,and selenium!!!.oh also take valarien to help sleep but research also shows it helps with nerve impulses. also on rebif. feel fine and mood is alot better since vit D .Only prob is packing all this when taking just hand luugage when going on hols.!!! Anne x
I used to take loads separately then I found Baseline AM and Baseline PM from the essential health clinic in Glasgow. They have all the vitamins that many think are good for people with MS. I take those and some extra D3 and omega 3.
Sadly Omega 3 has recently been found to be of no benefit in MS so we can save ourselves some money (and fishy burps) there.
I take Vit D3 5000iu a day and I also take magnesium 500mg a day to help with cramps. Otherwise I believe that if you eat a well balanced diet you will get all you need from your diet and extra supplements will simply be peed down the loo.
Sadly Omega 3 has recently been found to be of no benefit in MS so we can save ourselves some money (and fishy burps) there.
Not only that but I have been told by a pharmacist that i shouldn’t be taking fish oil with my anti depressant; (Citropram)! I am guessing that the anti depressant just wasn’t working effectively with the fish oil, it’s a b… as the fish oil was helping to oil the joints! I still take Glucosamine to help the bones though.