When to get jabbed

Hi again all
I’m due my lumbar puncture soon and then have an appointment at neurology the following week.
I don’t think this appointment is related to the LP as it was already in place prior to my LP appointment being made and therefore I am in limbo a little as what to expect from it or who I will see.
Anyway I’m rambling as usual, Apologies :crazy_face:
To get to the point my neurologist mentioned kesimpta to me on my previous ( 1st ) visit although not when it would happen or even if it would be approved for me by the other neuro’s.
A question he did pose to me at the time though was why I had not had any Covid boosters, I had the first 2 done but no more.
I have today received an NHS email suggesting I was on the at risk list for infections and would be eligible for a booster and also Flu jab etc as soon as they start them.
As I am not yet on any DMT would it be to my advantage to update all flu and covid etc etc now to avoid any possible delays getting the go ahead for a DMT or would it have a delaying effect ? I don’t want to bugger things up by jumping ahead of my own choice but I am very keen not to delay any DMT either. I am very hopeful on the kesimpta route if possible if for nothing else other than easing my mind a little.
I am still struggling with everything mentally as I’m sure is normal.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
Also I keep seeing mention on here of people being able to contact their MS nurse for assistance.
Nobody at the hospital has mentioned anything on this matter as yet.
When would I likely if at all get contact with an MS nurse as at present I feel kind of alone with no direct contact to any MS medical staff should I have any issues. I’m lucky if I can speak to my GP without a 3 week wait.
I’m sorry if these are stupid questions but it is all very new to me and I am still totally naive to the process.
Best regards

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Hi Dave, taking an optimistic view I think it’s possible-likely that when you see the neurologist you will be told about your MS Nurse (mine works along the same corridor as my Neurologist) and that you will be told about arrangements for starting Kesimpta.

I’m no expert but from what I’ve read on the Kesimpta website it’s best to wait for at least two weeks after a Covid injection before starting Kesimpta but that was just a quick check and I’ve no idea what the advisable period is between a Kesimpta injection and a Covid jab. Probably best to double check etc

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Hello Dave,
I had my 5th covid jab on the 5th day of the 5th month the last year and I still caught covid 3 months later, I had covid again last month.

I had the pneumonia jab last year too, b4 starting on kesimpta and I still caught pneumonia this year, I caught it twice in 3 months.
I think just having multiple sclerosis makes you susceptible to all infections.

Btw you still can have covid + flu jabs while on kesimpta I was told, I just came off it for good though. I’ve missed quite a few doses due to recurring infections, it really helped my back pain, but in the end I couldn’t continue on this DMT.
Good luck,

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