I think I am going to need a wheelchair soon, I’ve just been shopping and as usual I use my stick to go and pick up a scooter before I do my shopping, came home and struggled to prepare my lunch having to sit down several times and do a few of the things while sat down.
I really do hope that they actually give me my own wheelchair accesable bungalow next week because things are getting worse at home both physically and pyscologically struggling due to my dragon of a mother.
Yes Poll is noted opn my file that I will need wheelchair access in the very near future but they have offered me 2 bungalows already which weren’t suitable for a wheelchair so I had to reject them.
If I reject another then they will call me in for a review to find out why I keep regecting therm, I can’t understand why they are offering them to me, knowing that they wont be suitable.
I wasn’t in a wheelchair full time when I got my council bungalow but they accepted the need to provide me with accessible accommodation.
The bungalow that I have now was not adapted when I saw it but they sent along an OT and a surveyor to find out what I needed and what could be done. The work was all done before I moved in. The house was definitely not suitable as it was but they made it suitable.
My needs had been documented by the lady who did my medical priority. I wonder if you should preempt another refusal by discussing the possibility of having work done on an existing property. It’s perfect timing because it is the beginning of the financial year and they may have money in the coffers.
There are so few ground floor properties to begin with that to hope to find one already adapted to meet your needs will reduce the numbers even further, I would start presenting your case to local councilors and your MP. It must be heartbreaking for you to keep being knocked back.
I know every area is different but I can’t fault WNW Homes in Leeds – nothing was too much trouble.
im much the same ive not been out the house in 4 months due to weakness in my legs using 2 crutches to get about ,i am trying to get electric chair from hospital atm but they told me i might not get one as i can still walk (with a struggle ) Im in adapted accomodation atm from council but i need a bigger house as my son who is 16 and my daughter who is 11 are still sharing a bedroom makes me very angry , i hope you get your house soon .