Hi, Im new to this so forgive me if I do something wrong !
I was first diagnosed with MS some 8 years ago, just after the birth of our daughter… Initially I just has double vision when I was tired and after some tests (and being told I probably had a brain tumour!) was finally told I had MS. that was when I was 40.
Well its been a ride for the last eight years, and my consultant still will not diagnose the type of MS, but I am personally thinking its Primary Progressive as I do seem to be getting worse.
Currently I am tired, my balance is off (holding on to anything as I walk), my right knee is painful…my knee is currently under a consultant and having just had a scan on it am waiting to see what he thinks, is it wrong to hope that surgery will help? and in the last month I have been getting a pins and needles effect in my right hand… it passes.
I still work, but that is becoming a bind, mainly because of the 120 mile round trip there and back three times a week, the other two I can work from home…I write and support software for an accountancy firm.
My relationship with my Wife is ,I think you could say, strained; she obviously did not sign up for this and flits between wanting to care for me (a tad overbearing) and wanting to leave me, somewhere in the middle would be brilliant !! and sex, well, what sex ?!?!
Now, I know, or I think I know, that I am one of the lucky ones, and my MS is minor in comparison to others, I can still walk with aids (but not far, fell walking is defiantly out), drive, wash myself etc etc…it could be a hell of a lot worse .
So, the point of this post is …any advice from anyone on what I should be doing ?