What supplements do you take?

Hi Everyone, since my symptoms last summer and my diagnosis of CIS in Jan 2017 I have started taking various supplements and wondered what others took.

I currently take Vit D3 5000 units (as recommended by my neurologist), Vit B12 monthly injections and daily oral spray, Vit K2 100mcg, Vit B complex, turmeric curcumin 500mg, Omega 3 fish oil 1000mg, magnesium citrate 200mg, evening primrose oil/starflower oil.

Think that is it! I am just curious what others are on if you don’t mind sharing. My current symptoms are altered sensation in arms/hands/legs/feet mainly at night but have currently got bad cramp in calf/thigh of one leg.

Thank you.

I am very lucky, I only take one; have done for 35 years; not really a supplement; Snake Venom.

I only eat live mice and sleep underneath the bed apart from that no side effectssssssssssssssss.



I use to take the piss and Im hoping to take heart.

In the meantime, I take 300 whatnots of bioton; cod-liver oil; flaxseed oil; termeric; walnuts (for extra omega 3); marmite for some kind of vitamin b; ginger; cinnimon when I can get the ceylon variety; magnesium and calcium; iron; vit b complex; vitamin d; and occasional multivit. I also put my head out teh window when the sun comes out. No sign yet that any of it is helping.

I have started eating pineapple soaked in brandy and that does seem to help a little.

I really do only take Snake Venom, the older members will know.

Here my blog on it.

This is about the Venom and MS I wrote about 20 years ago.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS), cause and cure unknown. It is no wonder anyone in this position leans heavily on recognised medicine but tinkers with alternative therapies as they may give the sufferer something the Medical Profession cannot give them.

I am not advocating a sufferer should try any alternative remedy, which would be silly as there are many charlatans. I want to state facts regarding a treatment that others and I use, as I was diagnosed with MS in 1973 and have been taking a treatment using the venoms of three snakes since 1982.

I had such good, beneficial results, I decided this treatment should not dwindle and die but be made available for other sufferers, especially in the UK. In 1985 I obtained the dry freeze fractionated venom of these three snakes, the Cobra, Krait and Pit Viper. A friend, who was a biochemist, diluted this substance with saline solution and a Dr. Mount administered this drug we called (name taken out against rules) to thirty patients.

Not all these patients, friends, suffered from MS. One had Peripheral Neuritis, another suffered from a complaint called Sclorederma, one other suffered from Motor Neurone Disease (MND). I had no idea what the results would be on their particular complaint. I knew that this treatment alleviated tiredness, spasms, helped bladder control and stopped extremes of weather making the person feel like a wet rag. (Taken out) had no side effects that made the patient feel like a zombie? Could this substance also help these other complaints? I felt nobody should be refused; if medical reasons made it possible to try.

This was not a trial; nobody was given a fake substance as a placebo, a control, all received (Taken out). After four months the patients were categorised by Dr Mount on a scale of 1 to 4, one being excellent, two good, three average, four no results. The results, we felt, were a little disappointing with 33% of patients evaluated on one and two, 66% of patients were on 3 and 4.

A controlled trial lasting anything from six months to three years seems to be the only way to evaluate a drug at present. I am sceptical at this procedure with this treatment as there are reactions, mild, to introducing Toxins into the body and any substance given as a placebo to mimic the (Taken out) is not really a placebo. Still this is a point that I am sure could be overcome.

Where does this leave (Taken out), which has never had any controlled trial, has better results, does not have side effects and costs only £50 per patient; per year? In ten years time when there are many more sufferers, some brilliant researcher will find a fraction of snake venom that has beneficial results on the disease process. They will be given the Nobel Prize, a good job and pat on the back.

Do I sound bitter, yes I am? The one person who knows more about this substance than anyone is a 92-year-old man called Bill Haast. He is my mentor, has given me twenty more good useful years. No matter how much I want him to be here in another 100 years, even venom will not make him, all his vast experience will be lost.

After twenty years the people who still take this treatment do not do so because someone say’s it will do them good, a placebo. We continue to take it because we have proved, if only to ourselves, it does have beneficial results.

I have no control whatsoever and have not mentioned this treatment to anyone for over 10 years.

The snake is always been regarded as a symbol of evil. Why are two snakes coiled around a pole used as the medical symbol of the World? A question for Christians, could someone explain the writings in the Bible, Mark, Chapter16, Verse 18. I know the Bible is very ambiguous, means different thing to different people, but it does seem a strange thing for Jesus to say after rising from the grave, ‘They shall take up serpents, and any deadly thing will not harm them’?

Newton’s Law of motion is ‘every action has an equal and opposite reaction’. If you think a hot cup of tea actually cools you; X-rays can cause cancer, they are used also to treat cancer; Aspirin is used to bring temperature down but an overdose causes pyrexia. The same philosophy applies to this treatment, you are given a small amount; 1 part venom to 4000 saline, of a natural toxic substance that builds up your own immune structure.

I know your thinking – ‘What is the intention of this note’. I would like someone, with medical knowledge to instigate real trials into this substance or fraction of this substance?

Venoms are used for many complaints already, are we to wait? The answer could be found before the cause, so let us look for the answer!

I’m sorry this is such a long message but I must tell you about the latest. We were running out of supplies and America was not going to supply us anymore. One of the other girls, I’ll call her Lesley; because that’s her name ran out at the end of November. About this time I heard of a place in Germany that could supply nearly the same. I say nearly as it’s not the venom of the Pit Viper, it’s replaced by the venom of the Rattle Snake.

To cut a very long story short Lesley came off and by Christmas she was feeling unwell and falling asleep at the drop of a hat. Remember this is the first time she has felt like this in twenty years. She was still mobile; her husband rang me and was very upset. We eventually received supplies from Rotterdam, I told you I was cutting a long story short, and she started immediately. This would be about the middle of February. I was a little afraid to ring Les fearing the worst, was it going to work? She rang me two weeks ago and I couldn’t get a word in, she’s over the moon and fighting fit.

Her husbands so pleased he’s taking her to Moscow to see the Bolshoi Ballet as a treat.

I must apologise to you or anyone reading this story. I’m not saying I’m on it, Les is on it, tough on everyone else, I’m saying the possibilities are there but until medical organisations get off their high horse and stop pooh-pooing this treatment as voodoo medicine there will be a lot more ill people, Just prove me wrong?

Sorry it’s so long, believe me this is a very brief resume.


Before people say what a load of Cobras look at Amelioration of acute and relapsing stages of the experimental allergic encephalomyelitis by cobra toxins - PubMed or snake venom for MS - Search Results - PubMed

I wrote this about 20 years ago; Bill Haast has since died; 106 years old

Lesley and I still take our venom 25 years now.

George Goodger

I swear by good wine from the posh wine shop. But then I swear by and about most things.

But the supplements I take are a rather paltry Vitamin D, B12, some calcium and magnesium. Oh and fruit pastilles. Very important those.



I don’t take any supplements myself, but I do try to eat a varied diet with a lot of fresh fruit and veg.


Thanks for the replies. Which magnesium is meant to be the best to take?

Vit D 4000UI

Vit B12 dunno how much

Swank diet



a profound gratitude for all things


Vit d3 10000iu Magnesium citrate 500mg Biotin 10000mg Vit K 200 I eat a vegan type (dairy free) diet with fish and occasionally chicken too.

For those taking Vitamin D just wondering if you have your levels checked. I had been taking 1000iu for just over a year and considered taking a larger dose but decided to have my levels checked first. Blood test taken, got a call to say GP wanted to see me. My levels were 85 nmol where the normal range should not be more than 50 nmol. Advised to stop taking them as high levels could cause all sorts of issues including kidney damage and retest in 6 months. I am typing this on my phone with paragraph breaks. Apologies if it comes out in one long paragraph.


Hi Hope, the Vitamin D Council state between 100 and 250 nmol is what to aim for. They say going over 250nmol has no known benefits. GP surgeries can sometimes be conservative on that they advise. It may be best to ask your neurologist.

Some people may need to take 4,000 or 5,000 IU daily to get in this range.

In the USA ng/ml is used instead of nmol.

" When you get your test results you will see a number in units of ng/ml, for example, 50 ng/ml. These are the units that health professionals in the United States use. Elsewhere in the world, vitamin D blood test results are given in units of nmol/l.

  • To convert a test result measured in ng/ml to one measured in nmol/l, multiply the ng/ml number by 2.5. For example, 20 ng/ml is the same as 50 nmol/l (20 x 2.5).
  • To convert a test result measured in nmol/l to one measured in ng/ml, divide the nmol/l number by 2.5. For example, 50 nmol/l is the same as 20 ng/ml (50÷2.5). "

Hi Hope, I think that most of us have been recommended 4000-5000 units daily by neurologists. As Lenney says, most GPs are conservative regarding normal ranges. My GP is more concerned with monitoring my calcium levels than my Vit D as hypercalcaemia is more dangerous.

The Barts Blog is a reliable source of information.


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I take 5000iu daily. My levels have been checked and they’re fine.


I’ve taken 5000 iu daily since September. However, my levels haven’t been checked although have been requested by GP/neurologist - issue at the lab end I think. I 'll maybe ask for them to be checked when I get my 3 monthly bloods done for the Rebif.