I’m new here and would like to tell you alittle about how this started, I am waiting to be tested for MS,
It started when I have a massive spasm in the lower back, it still hasn’t healed properly and get a lot of aching and discomfort there.
This was in late April, in the past month I have been having a tight muscle feeling in the middle of my backn and aching limbs and tingling in hands and feet, especially in the left hand, little and ring finger. Which would come and go but now seems to be there all the time, also an itching feeling on legs and arms which sometimes feel heavy.
I don’t seem to have had any eye trouble, balance etc, I don’t feel any more tired than I would normally. However I do work nights, and am used to feeling tired I wouldn’t say I was lethargic.
I mentioned all this to my chiroprator who was helping me with my back and she did a foot test, I can’t remember what it’s called and my toes spread and big toe curled back, she said she was going to refer me to my doctor for an MRI scan to test for MS.
I am now terrified, I know this may sound dramatic to most of you that are already suffering, or managing on a daily basis. but I can’t sleep, or get it out of my head. I have told my Mum who was very supportive and said we would deal with it, if it turns out I have it but I’m worried about the future and what it holds, I think that I do have it, my symptoms seem to mostly fit.
I’m at the doctors in the morning to arranged my MRI scan.
I also have Vulvodynia, which I am taking tablets for, just started last night, 10mg of Amitriptyline which I belive can also be a symptom?
What do you guys think? I would be grateful for any help.