Hi there my name is Donya, I’m 33 years old and I was diagnosed with MS in September this year. I’m due to start a highly active treatment soon called Ofatumumab. I’m not going to lie I’m terrified, I know with all medications side effects have to be listed but there’s one side effect that is bothering me and that is the chance of getting a brain infection. Is there anyone on here who is on Ofatumumab and can tell me how they find it. I think I’m after some reassurance if possible. Thanks Donya
I am sorry about your diagnosis but glad to hear that you have been offered a very effective treatment. My RRMS (20+ years) has always been pretty aggressive too, and unfortunately the highly effective treatments arrived a little too late for me, so damage had been done before I finally got on Tysabri, another of the highly effective drugs. By getting started early, you have an excellent chance of missing that damaging phase.
The treatments all come with risks, and the better they work the riskier they tend to be. But the thing is: MS does not politely ask you to sign a consent form: it barges into your life without permission and it is a dangerous enemy. A degree of risk is acceptable when it is the cost of countering such a threat. Or that is how I have thought of it.
Here is a personal account.
I know nothing about this drug but I did use Tysabri so understand the worry and risks. I also think there are other benefits in that you are actively doing something to try and prevent or reduce problems down the line.
Wishing you all the best