Weekend trains and weddings.


i haven’t been too active on the forum but I’m just starting to come to terms with my new single life. Last Saturday was my biggest recent adventure.

I remember now from my youth; I love travelling. Trains are great.

Best wishes, Steve.


I admire you Steve. Life has thrown you a few curve balls recently. Yet you still keep going. Good for you lad. Hugs Anne x


Just wanted to say I love your blogs and they really inspire me. Know you have had problems but have missed your posting.

Take Care

Polly xx


I’ve just started to read your blog - well done, you inspire me to get my backside out of the chair and do something!!


Hi Steve

Great blog as usual, thanks. I so admire you taking the train to various places, I have a fear of trains (sounds so silly) but to me it is real, and travel is good, well done you.

Onto the serious stuff now, having a care line installed would give you, and also family and friends, peace of mind that should you fall or need help, it is just a case of pressing your button, either worn as a necklace or bracelet, but it means you get immediate help. Give it some though Steve.

Pam x


Well done Steve!

I agree with Pam, you need a care line…in some counties they are free, mine was free until a few months ago, now just £11.00 a month. Give it some thought.

Take care of yourself,

Nina x


I totally agree “Care Line” are great. I wear a necklace and, at night, place it on my bedside table in case I accidentally press it through the night whilst asleep. I had a fall last year and broke my hip, lost what little mobility I had, ended up in hospital for 8 dreaded weeks and am now confined to a wheelchair. So, take care.

One happy thing came out of this. I now have 2 wonderful Carers 3 times a-day and Care Line ring every year and wish me Happy Birthday, which is more than my Daughter did this year - she forgot - but hey - that’s another story.

Angry - Madge x


Brilliant Steve, Its a very inspiring blog and is that a picture of you with your friends having a drink? I bet you had a wonderful time. We can see Liverpool Cathedral from our window we live high up on the hill.

Well done Steve I always think about you in your wheelchair having adventures, it makes me determined to persevere with the trains and buses.

Michelle and Frazer x