Waiting on diagnosis?

Hi guys I am new here. So after waiting a year for my neurology appointment after severe facial numbness on the right side last year, I have finally been referred for a brain and spinal cord mri. No idea how long I will wait for this? Everything I get seems to be on the right side. I also had a postive clonis test on the right side at neurology appointment. Do we think this could be ms as that has been suggested? Thanks for any info.

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Gosh nichola, really sorry to say but basically I haven’t a clue. None of us are medics and I suspect that the best we can say is ‘might be but might be something else’.

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Hi Nichola

As Hank-Dogs says, we are not medics; there are unfortunately a lot of conditions that have similar symptoms and the Neuros and other disciplines will need to rule out a lot before they can say definitely yes/no to MS. It is difficult being in limbo, most of us have been there.

The MRI’s will pick up whatever they can when you go in for them, and the Neuro(s) will make their decisions accordingly; there may be further tests (evoked potential, lumbar puncture etc.) required as well.

Don’t let worrying about what ifs get in the way of getting on with life and living.