Have been suffering with weakness on left side, bad back, dizziness and lethargic. Doctor sent me for head and c spine mri, was called into the doctors two days later saying mri shows signs of ms. My doctor sent an urgent referral to neurologist but the appointment I received is not till December??? I’m going out of my mind with worry and don’t know which way to turn?
Tell your GP about the ridiculous lead time. They may be able to rattle some cages. I had a similar experience getting in to Warwickshire/Cov so the GP sent the enquiry to Northampton as well. Northampton significantly improved on Cov original date and miraculously, Cov came back with an appointment only 7 weeks away.
GP’s are effectively customers and the NHS Hospital Trusts are suppliers, delivering work commissioned by the GP’s. Once the GP’s have sent off the consultation request, in their minds they’re shot of it. It takes feedback from the likes of us to alert them that the service being provided is unsatisfactory.
December! I have only been waiting since March for an appointment to come through and that is driving me crazy. I have even started shaking the curtains that cover the front door to check that an envelope hasn’t got caught up.
If you have a neurologist you could ring their secretary to see if you can be out in a cancellation list. You could mention that your MRI results indicate MS. You never know that December appointment may well be computer generated….
Let us know how you get on.
Was told by neuro secretary today to pressure my gp to expedite my referral and say I have more symptoms, or go to a and e or go private!!! Not in a position to go private! My husband is going to get on there cases again tomorrow! Thanks for your reply’s I don’t feel totally on my own now x