New to all this and would love to hear any opinions on my situation…
I started having symptoms of tingling/pins and needles back in October. It started almost immediately after returning to work after maternity leave, which the Drs are now saying makes them think it’s stress-related. I’ve had so many other symptoms since I could write a book! But in short the ‘main’ ones have been pins and needles, numbness and constant headaches. I also had an episode of chest pain which I feel may be unrelated but Drs are saying again points to stress/anxiety rather than ms.
In January my eyes began feeling uncomfortable but it came on so gradually I wondered if I was imagining it or creating the symptom for myself after so much googling and scaring myself! But then I had some flashes of light so got checked out at opticians and eye hospital. Both said they could see nothing wrong with the eyes or optic nerve so they didn’t think it would be ON.
Finally saw neurologist last month and he’s ordered brain MRI but said I didn’t have ms, I have anxiety and that could explain all my symptoms. He’s seen it lots of times before and he didn’t think I really hit the ms criteria. I can’t really understand his opinion and think maybe he’s just trying to be nice - if they’re allowed to do that?! It seems to me I have all the classic signs and being female in my 30s would make it highly probable?
Last couple of weeks I have developed horrible eye pain, worse than it was before and sensitivity to light. It’s both eyes and no vision changes.its worse after driving or reading, anything that involves a lot of eye movement. I wondered if anyone else has had ON without vision changes, just pain. It really has been excruciating, definitely not something I’m imagining. I also wondered whether I should go back to the eye hospital or just wait for the mri now.
Any advice/opinions would be very welcome. I feel like I’m going mad with the worry of it all and it’s very hard to explain these bizarre symptoms to anyone else xxx
…nearly forgot to add. Four years ago I had pins and needles in my feet on and off for a few weeks. Mentioned it to GP when being seen about something else and it was brushed off as nothing.