Worried & awaiting MRI

Hi everyone, I’m new here and decided to share my story so far in the hope that someone can relate. It started in August when I woke up with pins and needles in my side, nothing major, just annoying! Dr dismissed it as Fibrocystic breast pain. The feeling goes into my arm and can be heavy, feels hot and some days I have to stop when I’m drying my hair as my arm feels “tired”

Fast forward to Oct and I started having neck pain and got a severe headache (all the same side) which affected my eye, it was agonising to move my eye and this lasted a few days. I put it down to stress. Then started the electric shock type pains (only had them 3 times) they go down my neck and stop at my thighs, it’s enough to stop me in my tracks and yelp loudly, then they vanish as quickly as they came on! I also have some numbness/tingling in the side of my face, which again, comes and goes. My leg feels like I’ve pulled a muscle after a gym session, I feel it more going up stairs or hills.

Thankfully after a trip to A&E due to the headache and funny feeling, I found a Dr who actually listened and started to think it could be neurological. I had a clear CT scan but I’m waiting to have an MRI and see a neurologist. Last night I had twitching in my thumb and strange sensations in my leg, like twitching but not too strong. I feel like I’m going off my head, the symptoms seem strange to anyone else when I talk about them…I couldn’t even feel my front teeth properly one day!!

Anyway, after my rant I suppose I’m looking for validation that these could be symptoms of MS. I’m also terrified it could be MND as I’ve read the symptoms can be similar. Something bothers me every day but on varying degrees, I say I have good days and bad days as it’s the only way I can describe it.

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Sorry you’re having to deal with all this uncertainty.
The problem with MS is that it shares symptoms - including sensory things like pins and needles - with various other illnesses, so even neurologists can’t diagnose it just from your symptoms. That’s why they need things like MRI scans - often more than one - to reach a diagnosis. Unfortunately, it can take some time…
It might be worth writing down your questions for when you see the neurologist, so you remember all you wanted to ask.
I don’t know much about MND but I think it may be a lot less common than MS, so perhaps not the most likely diagnosis.
While you go through this wait, there is an MS Trust video called something like “limbo land”, specifically for people going through tests. That might be worth a watch.

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Like @Leonora i don’t know much about MND but am thinking that as the name implies it affects the motor neurons rather than sensory ones.

As Leonora says the initial symptoms of MS can often be so varied and general that it’s initially difficult to diagnose - so far as I know there are no MS specific symptoms. Most folk on the Forum will recognise the frustration and anxiety of being in limbo land . My sympathies to you.

As Leonora says keep a diary of your symptoms.

You could also follow the general advice given to those with MS ( see MS Society website ). If nothing else it will give you a healthy lifestyle. I also find the Overcoming MS website useful for suggestions on diet, exercise and meditation/mindfullness

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Rare things are rarer than common things. MS is rare. MND is rarer.

Please try not to see round corners. Easier sauce than done, I know.

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