Vitamin B compund

Hi everyone,
So I thought I let you know about this, in case it applies to you. So yesterday I had a meds review with my surgeries pharmacist, as I noticed he’d taken vit B off my repeat list, I’ve been on this for years and I wanted to know why I was no longer going to get it. So the bottom line is, the rules and recks have been changed and the powers that be feel that this is no longer beneficial for us with MS and I’m guessing other conditions.

Just thought I’d mention it, take care.

Jean x

Hi Jean

I didn’t know this and I suspect lots of others don’t either, so thanks.

Take care

Pam x

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No problem skippysprite, just thought I’d share, hope you’re keeping ok,
Jean x

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Hi Jean and thanks for the info. I don’t think I’ve ever been prescribed Vit B for MS but I do buy myself B12 supplements

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Iv not been prescribed it, like I have with Vit D, however I feel so much stronger and less fatigued when I take 1000mcg of B12 under the tongue every day.

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Now I think this is great, because I didn’t know about B12, so I’ll look into that.
It’s great we can all share info.

Jean x

With tablets plenty of it come out in urine as opposed to going into the bloodstream so I’d recommend including “sublingual” B12 in your research.

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This might help clarify, but doesn’t mention the large amount of anecdotal evidence.
Vitamin B12 | MS Trust

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Hi whammel, interesting article, sometimes it’s hard for us to know the best things to do, thanks again and take care.

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