Visual disturbances, feel silly.

Hello all,

A few days ago I had a sudden onset of visual disturbances.

A bright, fluorescent blue circle appeared right before my eyes, and then rapidly disapeared. And then three nights in a row I had flashing white lights, horrible bright patterns and vision flooded with white like a lightening flash. These were in the night though, when I had my eyes closed. Does it count as a visual disturbance if your eyes are closed? Has anyone else seen this funny blue light? Luckily it only happend for the few days and it hasn’t happened since. I had no headache so probs not a migraine.

I don’t know what this was and I don’t know why but I feel abit silly about it now. Had my MRI done and in a few weeks will see the neuro for the results. Don’t know if it’s worth mentioning?

Just wondering if you mean a blue ring or a solid blue circle (see circular phosphenes on Youtube). They are all phosphenes or photopsias. They can be related to optic neuritis but several other causes, including migraine (some kinds of migraine are not accompanied by headache). Check out ‘Photopsias’ by Valerie Purvin. A possibility could be retinal detachment which is sight tresatening, so you should get it checked out asap.

Hello, thanks for your reply. It was a blue solid circle. I thought with ON you went colour blind?