Vertigo and vomiting

Hi all. I haven’t been on here for a few years now, but I’m a bit worried and wondered whether anyone else has experienced this, for as long as this?

For five weeks now I’ve been suffering from vertigo and vomiting, to such an extent, that I haven’t been able to function in the simplest of tasks. I was admitted to hospital last Wednesday, underwent the usual neurological exams, where it was discovered I have vertical and horizontal nystagmus, and disdiadokinesia. I was discharged Thursday with a follow up brain MRI for later this afternoon and an emergency ENT appointment on Friday. I was diagnosed with PPMS in 2004, so I think the MRI is to see if this is the MS progressing or something else.

Has anyone else suffered with similar? And if so, for how long? And what was your outcome?

Sorry for all the questions. I hope you are all doing as well as can be expected during these trying times.

Dawn x

Hi Val. Nice to hear from you anyway. I wasn’t sure how many people would still beon here from years back. I hope you are doing ok, well, as well as can be expected.

Dawn x

Hi Dawn,

Symptoms sound awful, hope the medics are looking after you.

Vertigo was one of my first MS symptoms .Only lasted about a week and wasn’t diagnosed until a few years later but neuro thought it was related.

Hope all the tests help work out what’s going on.

Let us know,

Take care,


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I have low blood pressure which causes me to faint.

On the plus side it entitles me to ready salted crisps on medical grounds.

Hope your problems are the same.

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