Hi everyone. First of all i would just like to say how helpful and supportive everyone is on this website. Also it has helped massively whilst in limbo land. My update is i was diagnosed yesterday with ms and now need to just try and get my head around it. I have a quick question about insurances. I know I need to tell the dvla but not sure if i tell life insurance, car insurance, travel etc? Can anyone help? Thanks Lainey x
Sorry about your news, but at least now you can get past the horrors of the diagnostic process
I don’t think you need to tell your car insurer until the DVLA have made a decision about your licence. The norm is for people with MS to be put on a (free) 3 year renewable licence. Once you know what’s happening, then give your car insurer a ring and update them. They cannot put your premium up, but you do have to let them know so they can’t claim you haven’t fully disclosed everything and use that to not pay up if you have a claim.
You need to tell your travel insurers if you are planning on doing any travelling. They generally give you the choice of no change to your premium, but your MS to be excluded, or to increase your premium and have your MS covered. It varies a lot so it’s wise to shop about.
The only other thing that’s very important that I can think of is to check if you have a critical health insurance clause in anything - MS is payable, but there are often (fairly short!) fixed time periods in which you can claim.
It takes a while to get your head around a diagnosis and it can feel like you’re on an emotional roller coaster at times so take it easy, don’t bottle things up and take it one day at a time. It really will be OK.
Karen x
Thanks Karen for your advice. I have found a form for the dvla and have now looked through my policies Lainey x