hey all… welcome bak Karen aka rizzo. well went back tote neuros yesterday and it seems the optic neuropathy has now resolved from a neuro perspective…they had another look at scan and there was inflamation on optic nerve. pupils are now behaving but vision is still catching up…can’t drive for another 2 mths see how vision improves,at present still only just legal to drive with new lenses. oscillopsia still there and may or may not go…colour fading still there but improved…time will tell I guess…left eye still lazy butvmayvswitch back once using new contacts…but may not lol glaucoma drops have irritated the surface if my eyes…so need to get them changed, but this in terms of light sensitivity has made it worse…hope this settles in time for new contacts as they are saying driving for me is only going to be with contacts as glasses will not be as good…my eyes will not toleratecass well the changes needed. so discharged from them. fingers crossed itvwontvcome back…they said it am in same eye or other…if it does in next 2to 6mths they would be concerned but my age and general good health is in my favour… shoulder is def rotator cuff prob with tendonitis and nerve trapping.bwutingvforcan injection into it next wk before physio can re asses and start treatment. tendonitis in lower arm /wrist better after a week of anti inflames and wrist support. still waiting for neuro appt and hope its not too long… em x
Sounds promising Em - fingers crossed that your eye continues to improve (a friend of mine was still getting improvements 18 months after ON).
Good luck for the injection - they can work wonders!
Karen x
hi Karen…thanks…hope so…it’s been a long few months…lol this irritation on eye surface if highly annoying…burning and stinging all the time…hope that settles too…time will tell on that but really need it to otherwise no contact lenses and no driving lol think I shall try some msm eye drops and see if they help… em x
Mornig Em x So glad it sounds like there are improvents for you xxxjenxxx
thanks kizzy…how s you.? xx
hey all…ooh have my neuro appt through 21st June…not long at all just hope he’s one of the nice ones…lol x
Hi Em x great re the neuro appointment!! Not too daunting I’m ok -think I overdid it yesterday and today going to the hospital -I’ve been in bed flat out on my back since I got home x flippin agony xxxxjenxxx
thanks kizzy. aww hope our appt went ok read your other post… seems o have been a mistake on the referrals the one I have is actually a neurosurgeon not neurologist…so still waiting on neuro one. lol not sure f yo cancel. this one but after odys visit to gp for injection in shoulder it may be prudent to keep it fir now. gp wants me to see as neuro… injection isn’t pleasant into shoulder…but am at point where I coped ith the pain f it being done in the hope of some relief. she used a fine needle which helped…need to rest it next 24hrs then gentle stretches after till see physio end if may. I asked her to check my ingers on left had as they are turning in oddly not painful but stiff. she asked me to spread my fingers apart and pressed against outer ones…I was unable to push her fingers away,and she thinks there is some weakness there that is nerve related…and may or may not be related to the shoulder/ arm prob…geeze…I really don’t need this on top of everything else. she said if it doesn’t resolve i will need o see a specialist…just as well am waiting or an appt then. lol em x
I’d still go to the neuro surgeon - are you sure it’s a mistake? maybe you have been referred to both?
Either way - you’ll get there lovely x just keep being brave xxx
aww thanks Hun…original neuro referral wasnt ok as dr only sees epilepsy patients on nhs…so his secretary kindly took referral letter to another who she felt was the bees knees…and her mother sees him…prob is he’s a neuro surgeon but has accepted the referral all the same. I feel someone else could benefit from this appt and shoud wait for actual neuro referral… but then win if this neve thing isn’t settle I could well benefit from seeing him as poss pinched nerve in shoulder also… ho hum lol em x
aww thanks Hun…original neuro referral wasnt ok as dr only sees epilepsy patients on nhs…so his secretary kindly took referral letter to another who she felt was the bees knees…and her mother sees him…prob is he’s a neuro surgeon but has accepted the referral all the same. I feel someone else could benefit from this appt and shoud wait for actual neuro referral… but then win if this neve thing isn’t settle I could well benefit from seeing him as poss pinched nerve in shoulder also… ho hum lol em x