Hi. I’ve been feeling some weird symptoms and I’m in the process of being diagnosed. But first of all, I really want to say I love this community. I don’t know if I have or if someday will have MS. Even if I don’t, in the last month I learned so much about this disease, I read so many stories, and I admire you all. I want to be involved with people who suffer from this, I want to donate, I feel an urge to help my national ms center. Really, guys. You are an inspiration to me, even I am diagnosed maybe I’ll accept it with your strength and fight the right way and with hope.
I’m male, 24 years.
In the beginning of the year, I felt some coordination problems when walking, for 2 weeks. It was not visible, I just felt something was wrong, maybe the sensation when touching the trousers. It was weird. It went away.
In October 12, I began to feel the same symptom. For 4 days, it was just it. Then my left leg started to feel strange, like it was weak. I could perform all the movements, though. So that was the day I started googling. And I found out about multiple sclerosis. In the next several days I was feeling very anxious about it. In that week, the symptoms evolved to: numbness in my left leg (2 days), left arm felt weak, pins and needles mainly in left leg and arm, point of the fingers had periods of more sensitivity, sometimes burning sensation in my left arm; and always the abnormal coordination while walking, the most constant symptom, and I’m still dealing with it (and odd sensation in left foot, while walking). Also, 3 of these days, in that worst week and the week after, I felt some kind of leg pain, one day in both legs, like the “needles” were stronger. In some days, this symptoms has intensity variations during the day; in the majority of cases, it didn’t have a connection to doing more exercise. Also, last symptom that I remember, some tongue tingling, for 4 or 5 days - that was definitely weird
Also, some additional context:
3 months ago, I had a strange memory lapse. Difficult to explain, but basically I had witnesses (my parents also, so they were not kidding) who saw me participating in something that I didn’t remembered doing literally 2 minutes earlier.
Also, 2 months ago I made a bike journey of 3 days, it was very intense, and I almost never walk on the bike. But I felt absolutely normal for the month after that.
I’ve been feeling stressed for the last 5 years, and sometimes I’ve been anxious, but I’ve never felt nothing like this before.
So first I went to my GP. She went directly to the point: do a brain MRI. While I was waiting to do it, I went to a private neurologist because the symptoms were worsening: he thought maybe could be a myelitis, or disc hernea, and prescribed me 2 MRI (cervical and lumbar) - he said it could be urgent. So I went to the ER of the public hospital: there they just said it was anxiety.
I had not the money to do 3 MRI, so I just went with the GP opinion, and did the brain MRI. A few days later: clean MRI. So the GP just said that it was definitely anxiety, though I was not feeling anxious in the last 2 weeks and I still felt most of the symptoms.
I went to an orthopedist, because my mom wanted me too. He just said to the a complete blood test (b12, d3, some inflamation/infection markers), and a few x-ray to my spine, to see if my scoliosis is worst (oh, I didn’t mention, I have scoliosis). I did the blood test. Everything normal, except D3, that is insufficient. I didn’t did the x-rays, because I hate radiation exposure, and I’m delaying it.
What should I do. What are the odds of having MS? Clean brain MRI. But vitamin D deficiency, the symptoms relate. What should I do next? I want to convince my GP that I need several other tests (cervical mri, lumbar puncture). I tried to ask her to make an appointment in a public hospital neurologist, but she refused to. My main fear is that, in the several months, the disease evolves and I’m not doing nothing to stop it. I don’t have the money to keep searching for myself, appointing more MRIs and pay them in a private hospital, etc - but the public system isn’t helping me much. What should I do? If I hadn’t the money issue, should I do more exams in a private hospital?
I love you. I respect you. Keep fighting, you’re an inspiration to me even if I end up not being diagnosed.