Undiagnosed awaiting neurologist appointment

Hi ,first time posting
Bit of back story
Several vitamin def (P.A,vit d & folic acid ) all well managed
Diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia 2018 after being referred to eye hospital with blurred vision
The odd numbness in my left side of my face worse since june 22 -now
Had covid june 22
This is when things really took off
Aug- endoscope due to not being able to swallow
Ct due to weight loss
Sept 22 Calprotectin done ruling out crohn’s disease
Jan 2023 MRI of pelvis Diagnosed with sacroiliitis
I already have RA
March 2023 ,numbness worse now the whole left side of my face ,inside of left thigh ,left shin
Apr 2023 ,my regular bloods were done ,checking my vit levels ,liver ,diabetes ,esr ( normal levels for me)
Spoke to my nurse and she suggested i make a doctors appointment (sigh)
I bit the bullet and rang,im thankful i did he spoke to me asked me about my symptoms how long its been going on etc etc ,straight away he said i need to see him for a nerve test and he was referring me to a neurologist (throwing in he thought MS but he cant Diagnose it)
The nerve test found i dont have any reflexes absolutely none ,dont know if thats relevant thats
what brought me to this forum
Sorry for the long post ,but im paddling like a duck here .
New thing in the past few days ,intense itching and my foot feels like its in a puddle
Thank you if you took the time to read my rambling x

Hi Chronicspoon

MS can present in many different ways, and quite often it can sneak up on people - we put symptoms down to other things - being clumsy, needing glasses, too many late nights studying/partying etc.

See the Neurologist, who will be in the best position to help figure out what is going on.

Crumbs, what a time you’re having. I am sorry that life is being so tough. I hope that you get some clarity soon about what is going on.

So a little update ,
I’ve been back to the doctor,I am now going to go private for a neurologist as I could be 12/18months waiting for the NHS .
The gp is going to refer me,I just had to research for them
Is there anything in particular I should be asking at my first appointment?
I have kept a diary which my GP has,my bloods were done recently
Hopefully not too long a wait .
Has anyone seen a private neurologist in Glasgow

@Chronicspoon did you go private or wait for the NHS appointment?