Hi all,
I am currently waiting to see a neurologist. I was referred by my GP back in January time however due to excessive waiting lists (prior to covid-19) I decided to be seen privately. My appointment is next month but unlikely this will go ahead.
I am a 30 year old female. I have been having symptoms for about 8+ months now. My symptoms are muscle twitching (legs, arms, torso and back mainly), tremors, constant tongue tremor, burning sensation in thighs, leg weakness, occasional jerking of hands/arms, leg spasms. When I first went to my GP I had bloods done and was found to be deficient in vitamin D (19) and folate (1.3). I have been on 10 weeks of a high dose of vitamin D and around 14 weeks of 10mg folic acid a day. There have not be any improvements on my symptoms. I am also taking baclofen 10mg three times a day, 50mg amitriptyline daily and codeine for pain relief. My deficiencies have been rectified and I thought these would have been the reasons for my symptoms but this is looking unlikely now.
Prior to these symptoms I had been found to have problems with my epiglottis and it narrowed anteriorly/posteriorly. My issue is similar to vocal cord dysfunction and causes changes to my voice, choking episodes and coughing. I attended speech therapy to try and help the spasms in my throat. My GP now believes this issue is most likely relating to the other symptoms I am having.
My GP has said this could be MS related or another neurological issue. I am keeping a log of my symptoms and update team when there are any worsening symptoms or something new. Has anyone else had similar symptoms to me? My most worrying symptoms at the moment is my ongoing tongue tremor and leg weakness. The leg weakness can be alternate legs but mainly the left side. I am beginning to struggle going downstairs safely at the moment.
A x