Two Steps Back


This is my first post on here and really just looking for advice on my situation.

Three years ago I was admitted to hospital with sudden onset neurological symptoms. Weakness in legs one worse than the other, numbness in one side of face and neck, tingling in legs and arms, burning pain in top of back, constant jerky movements and tremors. On examination my reflexes were abnormal with a positive Babinski reflex and an mri test conducted, all was found to be clear. It was found that I had a very low B12 count of 84 and low vitamin D , coeliac disease was diagnosed and I was happily sent on my way a week later with a bag of vitamins , gabapentin and regular B12 jabs. Thought that was the end of it and was grateful it was something fixable after much initial worry on admission.

Two more episodes of the same thing have since happened with the most recent being this week. My GP has mentioned MS to me and to be honest it makes sense so will be having another MRI this week. Over the last year even when I am well I get terrible foot spasms every day in both feet at the same time, always early evening and once in bed, scared to stretch my legs on a bad day in bed. Recently I have the sensation that I need to have a wee quite urgently and then it just goes in seconds, vertigo has come and gone for the last five years , had it along with everything else this week. I work full time and workmates have commented for the last three weeks I had a look of exhaustion but I didn’t feel too bad.

Could it be that I have something similar symptom wise and will never get to the bottom of it? I also have thyroid disease which is managed and vitiligo , is it true that the more auto immune diseases you have the more likely it could be to develop another?

Has anybody had a similar experience?