
Hello all. I’ve been reading this forum for quite a few months now and now that I can join I thought I’d say Hi and explain my position at the moment. I have been quite lucky really - I mentioned to my doctor one day when I was in about the strange sensation I was getting like Water running down my leg and she referred me to a Neurologist straight away. I had my first appointment with my Neuro last Aug 2010 as I had low Vitamin B12 (188) and low Vit D she decided this was what was causing my symptoms and was prescribed Adcal D3 and Monthly Vitamin B12 injection. This seemed to do the trick as the symptoms disappeared. Then in January this year the symptoms were back and some new ones. This has continued until now. They aren’t stopping me doing anything but are kind of annoying. Anyway I had my 2nd appointment with my Neurologist yesterday and she has decided that it could be damaged caused by B12 deficiency but it could also be something like MS causing it. She said it was a good sign that my symptoms don’t last long but reoccur frequently but not a good sign that I am getting new symptoms. Awaiting first MRI appointment and the Neurologist also mentioned that maybe a lumbar puncture will be requested depending on MRI findings. So here I find myself in Limbo. I’m lucky as my symptoms aren’t too bad. Has anybody else had the same sort of experience? Jen xxx :smiley: