Tomorrow for the LP

One more sleep before getting my Lumbar Puncture. I’m actually looking forward to getting in and getting it done. I’ve read loads of the forum posts and watched various vlogs. The vast majority have been helpful in getting my head around what to expect :slight_smile: Thank-you all.

My reason for looking forward to getting this done is it gets me one step closer to a confirmed diagnosis - one way or the other. My biggest issue at the moment is in my legs where my ability to run like I used to is now much more laboured and feels like always running through sand.

The waiting is a bore and let’s my imagination come to it’s own conclusions with nothing more than an uncertainty left lingering…

For what it’s worth I’ll share my physical experience after tomorrow for anyone else waiting for the same procedure. My neurologist has likened it to getting a dental filling…which didn’t help as i have hated the dentist since i was a wee lad - convinced after one visit that the guy in the mask had taken my tongue out - oh how we laugh about it now… :slight_smile:

Anyway - roll on tomorrow.

You will be fine. The idea of it scared the living daylights outta me, but the actual procedure wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I feared…and they’ll talk you through it and hold your hand if necessary. The only reason I agreed to it was to get the definitive diagnosis of MS, after far too long faffing around. A hint - do as you’re told about staying immobile as long as you can, and drinking plenty of coffee or coke afterwards - something with caffeine in it - they don’t tell you that for fun! And it’s always best to get someone else to drive you home, if you can. I say that “someone nicked my CSF while my back was turned…”

Good luck!

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Thanks for the reply Fracastorius. Yes.I’m sure it’ll all be cool . Thanks for the advice about staying immobile. I’ve got my lift home all planned and my post LP coke and coffee all ready :slight_smile:

it’s a weird feeling this ‘limbo’ . Hopefully this will help get confirmation one way or the other.

Just one thing - whats CSF?

Good Luck for tomorrow.


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Best of luck for tomorrow. Take a straw for that coke. It’s easier to drink from a straw when you’re laying down!

CSF = Cerebral Spinal Fluid - the stuff they’re removing to check for oddities and which is usually positive for oligoclonal bands if you have MS. Be aware though that some people have no O bands and end up with an MS diagnosis anyway. No idea why. But the presence of O bands in the CSF makes an MS diagnosis very likely. The only time they wouldn’t diagnose MS with + O bands is if they consider at this point that you’ve experienced a CIS (Clincally Isolated Syndrome).

Let’s hope you get that confirmation.


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bdb - not knowing is the worst thing for any physical challenge

Had my Spinal Tap in December; no problems whatsoever. The fluid was clear & everything was fine. For some strange reason they set up a brain MRI for early January - oops; Primary Progressive MS.

Now that I know what is going on, I can plan accordingly. Life is a journey and we all know the destination; this is just another speed bump on my drive… :wink:

Good luck!

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Well that’s that then! Bloods taken, Lumbar Puncture done and now lying down at home as the doctor has ordered

I don’t want to dramatise things. Suffice to say it was a rough experience! I think the person doing the procedure today was a little inexperienced. But hey we all have to learn

Right now the only side effects are a sore back where the needle went and my left leg is tingling with pronounced pins and needles more than ever. But that is beginning to wear off now.

I had a couple of glasses of water and a couple of cans of coke immediately after the procedure and so far no sign of any post LP headache i see my neurologist on Thursday morning, not sure what news i’ll be getting.

Thanks to everyone for their advice and support…



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Well done for struggling through.

It’s pretty good that you get your results so fast.

Good luck for Thursday.


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Well today I saw my neurologist. I wasn’t expecting much. Which is just as well

It was a bit too early for the full results from the Lumbar Puncture. But i did get told the fluid was all clear and so was my blood work. So no nasty viruses or anything else lurking…got to wait on the Oligoclonal bands information though.

Also have a head MRI scheduled in a week and-a-half time - which arrived in the post yesterday.

Then ‘D’ Day in mid March. Hopefully ‘D’ for some sort of diagnosis.

As far as the effects from the Lumbar Puncture. Just a bit of a headache, and its true, if you lie down it passes pretty quick. Nothing else to report.

Stay positive folks
