Time off work, worried

Hi all,

I posted last week and still waiting results of MRI. I have been signed off sick now for 5weeks and getting fed up. Some days are worse than others but still suffering from the numbness down RH side. Worried about going back to work when i still don’t feel ‘right’ if that makes sense? plus due to no diagnosis i am in fear of feeling not believed.

Anyone else had this issue? p.s I drive lots as part of my job and suffering from chronic dizziness

thank you

This was meant to say been signed off work for 5 weeks already (Back to see GP tomorrow) sorry. Damn fingers won’t type today!

Hi, I am still waiting diagnosis, still waiting to see neuro, I know my mri showed lesions on brain And spine, however, I have not been off work, where I work have their Own DR, he is well aware of my situation so no one will take any risks with me. I think it will depend on your employer & what they are like. Perhaps a letter from Your gp would help (as long as you don’t have to pay). If you work for A large organisation they usually are scared of the various acts in place. If you are also in union maybe worth contacting them. I’m on restricted duties because of all this and have been since feb, had mri results since Begining of june. Its long and labourious process this limboland C

Should have also said, I have never been ‘right’ in all that time, like you Have good & bad days/hours.


Cherrylips is right in respect that larger organisations seem to be more conscious of the Equalities Act which every employer should adhere to and make reasonable adjustments to enable you to do your job http://equalityhumanrights.com/advice-and-guidance/guidance-for-employers/the-duty-to-make-reasonable-adjustments-for-disabled-people/

Do not go back to work until you are well enough and then start back on a phased return slowly increasing the hours you work. Contact Access to Work https://www.gov.uk/access-to-work who will talk to your employers; you do not need to be diagnosed.

I know it’s easy for me to say but believe me Neurological complaints have a nasty way of biting you if your body is not well enough to cope.

All the luck in the world.


Hello all

I’ve been off work for three weeks now, spent five days in hospital - lumbar puncture, MRI etc - and am waiting for a definitive MS diagnosis. I work in retail, and am desperate to get back to work, but am unable to stay on my feet for longer than ten minutes or so without the leg tremors and pins and needles starting. It’s starting to get me down, I hate being inactive, but am worried work will not take too kindly to another sick note from my GP, who I am seeing this afternoon. Anyone else been in the same position? Should I stop feeling guilty for being absent from work for so long? Any help would be hugely appreciated xx

Hi,way bck in 1999, my symptoms were becoming worse and were all affecting my work performance. Foot drop, a heavy left leg and fatigue were setting in. Arm spasms were also hindering my actions.

I contiued to work for quite some time, and muddled on somehow.

Then I had to see my gp nurse, for some unrelated reason…cant even recall what now…but she took one look at me and said how tired I looked. She also noticed my limp.

I just burst into tears…she advised me to take a self certified week off work, to rest.

I did that, but felt no better, so saw my gp. She gave me a sick note for 2 weeks. That was the start of the end of my working life, age 47!

8 months later, my work retired me through ill health and that was that.

I`m 63 now and know i did the right thing, as my disability progressed quite rapidly.

Driving became more and more difficult, so i gave that up too.

You have to look after yourself…this applies to all those on the sick with severe fatigue and a misbehaving body!

Good luck.


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Apologies for late reply, thank you!

The most frustrating thing at the moment is being in limbo until diagnosis - was told on hospital discharge an MS specialist nurse would contact me, nothing yet. The good days are good, and positive, but the bad days are awful.

I will take your advice - I guess you have to be selfish where your health is concerned.

Lots of love xx