Threat by my GP to remove me from their patient list after I requested a repeated prescription

On the 28th September 2022 my consultant wrote to my GP requesting that they supply my repeat prescriptions. I filled in the on-line request early in December 2022 but this was refused. The local surgery gave me a copy of the letter that they had received from my consultant but were unable to give me a copy or even the dates of their reply.
I cut my dosage down to 50% to prolong my medication past the Christmas period and submitted another on-line request for the medication.
Just got a very abrupt text message from my “designated” doctor stating that 1) they will not prescribe the medication requested
2) they are threatening to remove me from their “list”
For the record I have never even met my “designated” doctor and this same doctor has given no medical advice on my health effects of abruptly stopping this medication.
Are registered GP’s legally allowed to do this without any consultation or even checking with my consultant first?

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Sounds a bit strange. It could be that you have received an automated text and it maybe worth ringing the practice manager for an explanation.

It maybe that the drugs your consultant is requesting, particularly if they initially prescribed them are not funded by your practice. I have received similar letters over branded drugs and been offered generic unbranded instead. These at times have caused issues and I have battled to get branded reinstated.

I have also received letters for appointments missed (their mistake not mine) threatening that if I miss 2 more then I will be removed from the practice list. I have gone back and challenged this and requested a note be added to my records.

Going back to your prescription, you can always go back to your consultants secretary explain the issue and ask for your meds to be prescribed through the hospital pharmacy.

As I say first port of call is to seek some clarification, don’t bother with the receptionist go straight to the practice manager.

This has been an on-going issue for over 3 months. The practice have supplied me with copies of all the letters that the consultant has sent to them but are unable to inform me of when they replied to his letters or even give me a copy of their replies to him.
Basically they are now stating that I need to set up a “shared care agreement” but looking on the medical website this is something that they, themselves, need to do. Also the website is very clear that they need to communicate with me and keep me updated on progress with this “shared care agreement”.
This is not happening and given that they have not complied with a written request for copies of letters I doubt that they have even started this process in the 3 1/2 months since they got my consultants letter.
The GMC website has given useful info regarding the text that my “designated” doctor sent c/w the threat to remove me from the patients register.
All my communications with the practice are done in writing so there is a hard copy and no room for arguments.
also the website is

I’m sorry to hear about your situation with your GP. It sounds frustrating to feel like you’re being mistreated just for asking for a repeat prescription. I get how upsetting it must be. Sometimes, doctors can be a bit rigid, but it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve good care.
You might want to look into gp ratings to find a doctor who will be more understanding and supportive. It’s crucial to have a GP who not only listens but also values your needs. If things don’t improve with your current GP, remember, it’s always worth considering a change. You deserve to have a healthcare provider who’s on your side and willing to work with you on your health needs.

Now I keep on getting letters from my GP wanting me to go in so they can discuss the medication that they are supplying.
I just send these letters back without a stamp and clearly stating that as they are not supplying my medication I am mot going to waste my time going to see them just so they get paid for an unnecessary consultation.
It is now some 15 years since my MS diagnosis and not once in all that time has my GP shown the slightest interest in my condition and I am well into my 2nd year waiting for my hearing test.