tests all lined up

Hi everyone

I have got all my tests booked in - evoked potential tests tomorrow, MRI on Friday and nerve conduction tests on Tuesday next week. Think I’ll get to know the hospital pretty well! I’m a bit nervous about the nerve conduction tests but am trying not to think about it too much, also think that the sensory part of the EP tests sound a bit scary. Any tips?

Presumably, if I have got a neurological problem like MS, one or more of these tests will show it up?? I don’t know if I would rather they were all negative (so I knew I didn’t have MS) or positive (so that I don’t continue to feel as though I’ve lost my marbles, imagining all these odd symptoms). Hey ho!

Lilacgirl x

Hello lilacgirl, No need to worry about the actual tests, none hurt at all, then at least you. Will have an answer to the problems you have. The MRI is ok all you have to do is close your eyes and think of something nice. It is rather loud but they talk to you so you don’t feel isolated. Good luck and let us know how you get on,. Welcome to the forum. Janet x

Hi As Janet as said none of the tests hurt at all, just boring to be honest. Don’t get your hopes up for quick results/ answers tho…generally takes 6 weeks to get told,…hopefully it’s quicker for you. Good luck Gray x

Hi Lilacgirl

I had my nerve contuction test done on the 25th feb, and honestly nothing to worry about…

Hope all goes well and let us know how you get on!!

Vickie x

Thanks everyone for your supportive and reassuring comments - it’s good to know that there isn’t anything to worry about. I’ll let you know how all the tests go.

lilacgirl x

First test done - evoked potentials. As you said, it was completely harmless and the sensory tests just reminded me of the TENS machine I used when I was giving birth!! The woman doing the tests wouldn’t give much away, but she did say it was harder getting a response on my ankles than my wrists. I’m wondering if that links to the fact that I’ve had tinglng in my toes recently - but I’m trying hard not to read too much into it until I get to see the neuro again for the results. Also, she showed me the graphs from the visual test saying they were looking for the ‘V’ shape, which was there (ie a good sign). However, I did notice that the ‘V’ was more ‘squashed’ for one eye and I’m wondering if that links to the eye pain I had in my left eye in Dec/ Jan - which may or may not have been ON…

As you can see, although I said I’m trying not to read too much into it, I’m not doing a very good job!!!


Hi, Just try and be patient until all the tests have been completed and you get a Dx. Well done and good luck Janet x