
I went to my GP back in January as for over a year I get buzzing in my legs when walking and a kind of numbness. It can carry on for ages or a short while after too. I also have had altered sensations in my left hand and cold water will sometimes feel boiling hot. Bladder weakness, electric shock down my spine into my feet when I look down, clumsy left hand and lately after a bath I feel like I am standing on pins and my left hand gets worse. My GP referred me to a spine specialist who after examining me feels it’s not spine related but nerve related and so now have a date for an MRI on my spine.
My GP said she thinks it’s either spinal Stenosis or MS based on everything that has been happening. The spine specialist has ruled Stenosis out.
Can anyone please advise whether this is something they have experienced and what happened? I feel like I know it’s MS but obviously I don’t want to think it is. Its so worrying not knowing and feel like I’m going mad with all the symtoms I have. I also struggle to get words out even though I know what I mean. I hope this makes sense and would be grateful for anyone that can offer advice or has experienced similar.

Hi Sarah, well yeah, it could be MS…but the MRI might show lesions but it may not.

Sometimes those pesky little beggars hide.

Mine didnt show up for years!

Keep a diary of symptoms and just wait and see.

If it does turn out to be MS…as bad as it sounds…it isnt the end of the world. Many, many folk have it and still live a good life.


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Thankyou Boudica405 for sharing that lesions aren’t always evident. I have multiple symptoms, it’s been 12 months now, and yet all tests so far rule out fibro, lupus, rheumatism, arthritis, etc. GP and specialists are baffled, but won’t consider MS properly because no lesions show up, althought a " T2 hyperintensity" was evident at the odontoid process, but this too was brushed off. I’m trusting I can continue to somehow manage until the lesions do show themselves.