Hi there,
Firstly, I am pretty new to all this and have no diagnosis, yet.
I have many lesions in my brain MRI and at least four in my spine. I’m awaiting a repeat of the MRI’s with contrast.
Anyway, one of the ’symptoms’ that my neurologist wasn’t overly interested in is the pain in the bottom of my feet. It happens when i’m either sat down, or lying down, for a period of time and then get back up. I can walk it off but it’s just the weirdest of things. Along with this I find it more and more difficult through the day to even stand up and walk. It’s hard to even explain why, it’s just difficult. Now, as an ex-forces person that has maintained a level of fitness (well, I did until this all started!) I struggle to explain to Doctors that it takes all of my mental fortitude to stand and walk sometimes. It’s not a brag it’s just the way it is that I can take more pain and effort than most but this has me floored sometimes that I feel like a proper muppet just lying there.
I’m hoping someone on here has any light to shed on this. As I said in the beginning, my neurologist made light of this and kept saying ‘yeah but what neurological symptoms do you have?’ and i’m thinking, ‘well, I have no physical injuries yet I can’t stand and walk sometimes doc?!?’
Am I wrong, does or has anyone else had similar symptoms and/or difficulty with the medical professionals getting it across?
Hi, this may sound a bit odd, but have you been seen by Rheumatology, it may be that there is a connective tissue thing going on - I had something similar, had fluid collecting around the tendons in my feet - rheumatology sent me to Orthotics to check my gait/how I stand etc. they sorted me out with made to measure orthotic insoles which have sorted the foot pain out completely.
Not odd at all. My GP tried to refer me to rheumatology but they refused based on my blood work and symptoms! It’s weird, all the people it obviously isn’t, see me and give me the all clear yet all those it could be, it’s a constant battle
Hi there
Sorry to hear about you pain with your feet, I actually have the same issue, but I have MS and I was told it’s to do with that, do you have a tight feeling in your feet, do they burn, have you shooting pains sometimes, and hard to walk, I had it for a sold 3 weeks, and I have a job, and it’s really hard, so I know what your going through. Try pepper mint oil, or some lavender oil, good luck.
Thanks for that. It’s kind of like a muscle injury on the ball of my feet. Only hurts when I step on them, not whilst I’m sat or lying down.
I get the most painful stabbing in the most random of places when I’m not expecting it. This happens most days and most of the day.
I don’t have your typical MS symptoms. There was no ‘flare’ up and it has certainly not gone anywhere. It’s steadily changed and the pain is the one constant.
Constant migraine from hell, eyes feel like they’re going to fall out, lower back ache and this weird foot pain with the inability to stand up and move around.
Wish I could work. I’ve even taken to watching Friends from the beginning to add something to my life
Oh gosh, that’s really terrible but do you have MS? I can relate to the back issue and the stabbing pain, in the feet, did you check out online if there is any type of exercise for your feet. I have never watched friends haha, but I guess you have to do that to get through. I hope you can get to the bottom of your issue
One of the difficulties that many of us – me included – have with MS symptoms is that they can be awfully hard to describe. It can be very frustrating.
It is helpful if you can identify an everyday thing that feels a bit like what you’re experiencing. For instance, something might feel like sunburn or like the feeling when you’ve been to the dentist and had local anaesthetic, or when you’re hands have got so cold that they’re unable to pick up the front door key let alone fit it in the lock, or the feeling of getting up after a 10 day flu and finding you’re as weak as a kitten. And so on. There isn’t always a perfect analogy, but if you can find something that’s close, it can help get the message across.
I’m in the MS clinic due to the MRI’s and lumbar puncture results but the neurologist doesn’t seem to know what to do with me yet because I don’t fit the profile properly.
Friends just takes me back to my 20’s so I can pretend to be young again I think. I’ll be watching Only fools and horses and The Goodlife soon
Brilliant advice, thanks
Well, my head feels like I’ve emptied a bottle of vodka the night before and my eyes feel like someone is trying to spoon them out of my head with a cucumber.
My analogies are a bit extreme perhaps. I’ll look for more everyday things like you suggest.
It’s so tiring. Especially when I meet friends or family and they’re like ‘oh you look so well!’ And in my mind I’m screaming in agony. Still, I just smile and say thanks
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Well said I totally agree with you!! I hope your keeping well
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The lumbar puncture I have never experienced, must be awful and your symptoms I reckon could be MS. I got diagnosed a few weeks ago, and had another MRI scan a few Saturdays ago, as for your head feeling like that, I get that sometimes and the balance issues are awful, I am sure people must think I have been on a night out lol, do you have any balance problems. Also a thing to look out for is pain in the eyes, could be sharp pain would just come out of no where, AHH I am like you, I am in my 40s and was the 20s actually any better did you mention you were in the military, and if so did you have any injuries through that.
When I next need an analogy I know who to ask. You’re an expert!
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I’m quite unsteady on feet at times, mainly when I haven’t warmed the engine up. I struggle to walk distance now, which has really hampered my life. I’ve dropped to about 3 miles tops but it hurts all the way
I was injured out many years ago but that was just knee damage. Everything else is as it should be (?)
I thought everyone had to get a lumbar puncture for an MS diagnosis? It was fine but wow did it make walking a right pain afterwards. I took the dog out when I got home and was walking like an old man by the end of it. Silly thing to do but that’s typical of me really, just crashing into things to get it done
Wow, I’d hate to lose my vision on top of all this. I keep thinking it might happen due to all my eye pain but my vision seems to be holding up.
You know that you can request the MRI reports? I find it so useful to read the reports rather than waiting for letters and appointments.
Not sure where TikTok is really, sorry, not up to speed with the online world, but I have found quiet comfort in reading the pubmed articles on demylineation, MS and the like
Wishing you a speedy diagnosis
Ah did you get put to sleep? Was it sore? I am not sure what the process is for other people to get diagnosed for MS, all I know was I went through 2 years of hell and going to A&E, and not being able to walk, and lost the power in my right leg, then I had to do lots of neurological tests, and I only got my diagnosis in late November. It horrible and depressing, and I guess you have to find what makes you happy to get though, like watching FRIENDS !!! Ah yeah most definitely try keep on your feet and take your dog out, I know it’s hard to walk long distances, than what you were use to, but don’t let anything stop you, positive out look will get you every where. Are you just waiting on your diagnosis I hope it’s not MS. I got it in my head that the COVID vaccine gave me MS as I was fine untill I got the vaccine.
This is from the professor of neurology at Barts and might ease your concern about the covid vaccine.
Case study: Did COVID-19 trigger the onset of my MS?
Nah, the procedure for the LP is fine. Just knocks you off your feet a wee bit afterwards.
For me, it all started with me thinking that my heart was on the blink and that I was going to have a heart attack. Several times I thought that I was going to die.
Luckily, a friend of mine is a cardiologist so he took me through a multitude of scans and tests and it turns out that my heart is in great condition but he thought that it sounded neurological so sent me for a head MRI. All the while my GP thought it was anaemia and nothing to worry about
Anyway, that came back with so many lesions he said my brain is a mess and the rest is history.
Sounds horrific what you went through. I don’t go near pharmaceuticals if I can help it so wouldn’t have that in the back of my mind but can understand the worry.
Sorry to hear all that about what has happened to you,and I hope everything works out for you and hopefully get on some medication.
Good Luck.
Thank you for that. I read some of it, but I have the flu at the moment and can’t focus on it, but I will study it when I am feeling better.
Nothing to fuss about and not like it’s going to change anything. You have obviously got enough on your plate at the moment and wish you a swift recovery.