My partner (diagnosed 30yrs ago) has just been told he will need to have a supra pubic catheter. We are both upset and anxious about this and have lots of questions that urologists cannot answer from a personal point of view. We would really appreciate others opinions and experiences of this. Does it make a big difference to quality of life (fewer trips to toilet/better sleeping, improved mobility) does the procedure hurt much, how long do you need to spend in hospital, how long is healing time, what is changing of the catheter like, how often is it changed, does it leak/smell, is using a bag or valve better?
Any advice or opinions are gratefully received, thank you in advance.
Hi, I had a supra pibic catheter fitted 4 months ago the operation was under general anisestic (spelling wrong I think) and took an hour to do, I came home the same day.
I always wear a bag 1500ml one around my shins trousers are quiet loose so you cant notice it, You can use a 500ml bag but I found I was emptying it to often. I find I need to empty it about 3 times a day. Heals very quickly and is not painfull. Best to have it changed by the district nurse every 6/7 weeks changeing it is quick and smooth so long as the nurse has done lots of them in her past. My quality of life improved no more incontience going to the loo every 10 mins. Will not effect your mobility. If you wear a bag then you only go to the loo to empyty the bag. My sleeping improved never have to get out of bed during the night. If you are sexaul active then it will not intervere with that. Mine has never leaked although my partner says the pee smells different (I must check if thats not being caused by an infection next time the nurse comes around) Using a valve is ok if you can hold in your pee. Try it both ways and see what feels best. Good luck.
Kielyn x
Thanks Kielyn, we really appreciate any personal opinions. My partner is able to walk about 20 meters with a stick but has been told by physio, ms nurse and consultant that his mobility will improve if his bladder is empty (less falls, more stamina etc) We were just wondering if you say your mobility isn’t affected do you mean that the bag/catheter doesn’t hinder your mobility or that having an empty bladder hasn’t made any improvement to your mobility in any way.Thanks again.