supra pubic catheter change

Hi there. I’m posting on here to get other peoples experiences on sp catheter changes. I had mine fitted in July and my first change was done in hospital which seems to be the norm. I hardly felt a thing at the time and had no problems afterwards. Yesterday the district nurses came to my home to do the next change. The first nurse was having trouble removing it and though that it might be stuck to my bladder wall. The other nurse had a go and this time it was successful but it was rather uncomfortable. I was feeling very sore all evening and when I went to bed I was unable to sleep because of the pain. I took some pain killers and went into the bathroom only to faint and pass out! I’ve had a shower this morning and cleaned up the wound and it feels more comfortable now although still very sore. I’m now wondering if this is going to happen every eight weeks when it is changed. If so I’ll be dreading it!! Has anyone got any tips or had previous experience with this problem?

Thanks, Mary

Hi Mary, hopefully my experiences will help you.

It is awful when we undergo painful procedures…plus it makes us worse and even more worried when the next change is due.

I had my spc fitted in July. From that day I suffered pain in my lower abdomen, about 4 inches to the right of the spc wound. Some days it was bearable, but others it was excruciating. I called the district nurses a lot…they were lovely.

My 1st change was due 8 weeks after the op, at the hospital. But I had it changed at home, by a nurse and it went well, before that time. It didnt stop the awful pain.

I rang the hospital ward, who told me to see my GP about the pain. Did that…nothing found and was given co-codamol, which made me so dizzy, I had to stop them.

GP got the uro appt brought forward. Had that in Sept…scan was done. Going for results this aft.

Now I began on pregabalin nerve pain meds, for pains in heels, but it took the tum pain away!

I will tell the uro that and say if it is only masking the pain, what is the next step.

Back to spc changes;

I had my 2nd change at 10 weeks…ooooowwwww…the nurse got the old cath out but had a LOT of difficulty getting new one in. the hole closes in an instant.

So she said 10 weeeks is too long. The holes and caths get stuck sometimes.

Last Wed, I had my 3rd change at 6 weeks. it was slightly unconfortable, but ok.

That`s the secret. GET THE CHANGES DONE SOONER…even at 5 weeks if necessary.

Hope this helps.

luv Pollx


I have mine down to a change every 4 wks as prone to bladderstones and debris blocking, despite drinking shedloads of water.

I also do weekly bladder washouts, not all areas believe in this and it is easier than it sounds.

All this leads to nice smooth painless changes. Have had to go to a&e once in the past with difficult changes, so this is bliss!

All the best with yours and sure you will find a way that suits