supra pubic catheter

I`m fuming!

I usually have my spc changed every 4 weeks or it gets blocked. District nurses do this for me at home and all goes well.

I had an appointment for tomorrow, but got a phone call about 2 weeks or so ago, telling me it would now be done by The Bowel & Bladder Continence Service, as it freed up the nurses for other work.

I had to agree, but felt nervous and hoped they knew what they were doing, as it an invasive procedure and can hurt.

So yesterday , at 2.30, which was the newly arranged appointment, I had to lie flat on my bed for this to be done. So at 2pm my hubby put me to bed (carer couldnt come until 4.30) and I waited with nervous tension for the nurse to come.

3pm…3.05pm…3.10 pm and nothing!

So I rang the B&B guys. I said I was awaiting someone and were they on their way?

NO, came the reply, We dont do SPCs, only urethral catheters. You need district nurses for that. Does the catheter go through your rummy?

me…Yes it IS an spc.....and yes, it goes through my tummy…felt like I was being talked to as if I was an imbecile!

me…So when is someone coming?

them…Oh it will be Friday

me…Well it would have helped if someone had rug me to tell me you werent coming.

them…Im very sorry. Yes, someone should have rung you`.

me…Ive come to bed…much earlier than necessary and I am unhappy at this.


Humph, eh?


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Oh Poll how dare they ! How much effort would it take to mick up the phone, Hope tomorrow goes smoothly for you. Ell

Thankyou Ell


So sorry for your discomfort and frustration. Professionalism and courtesy are not so fashionable these days. I hope you are sorted soon. Mick

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Sometimes you do wonder why these people work in the care industry … some of them don’t quite get how dependent you are! An SPC is no joke (my wife has one too that blocks relatively frequently) and the pain she’s in is scary. Really feel for you Bouds … stay safe

I had my spc “installed” last August and returned to the hospital three months later to have it replaced.
All was good until the day after Boxing Day when I had the sudden urge (and a bit painful too) to urinate the conventional way and unfortunately wet myself.
The tube had become blocked and was replaced here at home by a district nurse who could also see by the colour of my urine that I had an infection and I was put on a weeks course of antibiotics.
Unfortunately the same thing happened again and I went on another course, which, added to the other cocktail of medicines that I take made me constipated so I then had to add Laxido to the mix!

To cut a long story short I have had to have the catheter changed 10 times this year - four times in the last two weeks the last one just yesterday (although on this occasion I felt the signs and managed to get a bottle in place before the inevitable happened) and more tests showed that I had an infection yet again, goodness knows how it’s happening…

When all is going well it is a godsend and the discomfort of the procedure seems to be less painful with each change. I have suggested that at this rate it will be more more beneficial if they put a zip there!

One advantage of this self isolation is that I’m not obliged to put any trousers on as I’m only seen from the waist up if nature calls again too urgently!

Regards, Stephen

Nurse came today and did the change. I told her about the debacle with the B&B lot. She knew nowt about it, except that the B&B service had offered their services. But the nurses said they didnt need any help with catheters.

So how did they get my name and number? Hmmm?

Anyway all comfy now

I dont often by pass and wet myself, but \I still wear big NHS pads and they do catch a bladder full of wee thank heavens.

They help if I have an accident with the other end too!

I much prefer having my spc, rather than as things were before.


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So glad you got sorted and are comfy again Poll. Ell

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