Hi There, I’m new to all this… and at present without a formal diagnosis however have been told that they think it’s 99% I do have MS.
In June of this year I started having tonic clonic seizures, out of nowhere, and was then diagnosed with epilepsy and started on medication (Keppra) which has been changing in dose as and when I’ve had further seizures. It’s been a lot to adjust to, the medication isn’t nice. I had an EEG and an MRI as part of the epilepsy diagnosis, and neuros were expecting results to come back normal as they do for most people with epilepsy, however… both mine came back abnormal. My brain MRI showed of inflammation/plaque all over the brain, and the EEG showed abnormal electrical activity. The neuro said my brain looked like that of someone with MS and that possibly my epilepsy is a symptom of the MS. I’m booked in for a spinal/neck MRI next week and a lumbar puncture soon hopefully in order for them to diagnose MS if this is what it is… I’m not sure if there is anything else it could be.
Since all this, I’ve generally just been feeling terrible and hard to know what might be a side effect of epilepsy meds and what might be MS symptoms. I’ve had terribly tingly legs which don’t stop my mobility but is VERY annoying and constant. I’ve also got terrible vision and headaches. The vision is hard to explain as it isn’t really double vision or even blurred particularly, it’s just incredibly hard to focus and sort of fuzzy… has anyone experienced this?
Im just scared of what might happen in the months to come… what treatment for newly diagnosed people with MS is and what effects this has. I’m scared everything is going to get worse and obviously my head goes to the worst…
Really any any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I have found neurologists to be particularly UNHELPFUL which is a shame.
Lils (29, female)