Struggling with narcissistic personality and multiple sclerosis in my partner

Continuing the discussion from [quote=“Lol, post:1, topic:68859, full:true”]
Is there a connection?
My partner has so many traits of narcissist personality disorder and i have struggled for years making myself poorly trying to stand hy him. I dont no when enough is enough as im very empathic.
His moods are terrible, his anger :sneezing_face:[quote=“Lol, post:1, topic:68859, full:true”]
Is there a connection?
My partner has so many traits of narcissist personality disorder and i have struggled for years making myself poorly trying to stand hy him. I dont no when enough is enough as im very empathic.
His moods are terrible, his anger outbursts are awful, his silent treatment and the way he just doenst care about anyone, he says such nasty things about people, im very much isolated now due to this but he wasnt this bad b4 he was diagnosed, he had traits but now hes so much worse, he doesnt love me n says he doesn’t care about anybody not even his daughter. Has anyone else experienced this with a partener or have these symptoms of ms?

outbursts are awful, his silent treatment and the way he just doenst care about anyone, he says such nasty things about people, im very much isolated now due to this but he wasnt this bad b4 he was diagnosed, he had traits but now hes so much worse, he doesnt love me n says he doesn’t care about anybody not even his daughter. Has anyone else experienced this with a partener or have these symptoms of ms?

Narcissistic personality and multiple sclerosis:

I am struggling to deal with a similar situation.
My partner has totally pushed family away

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My husband doesnt have ms (thats me) just reading your post dear god its like a carbon copy of my life… we’ve been married 47 hellish year’s everything you say is my life too… ive not a single friend left… the silent treatment… the terrible rages he hates everyone including me… anyway i feel im posting in the wrong place… thank you for listening and all the best x


Wow it hurts but you need find help

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Hi yes I’m going through the same at the minute it’s like walking on eggs shells yet so nice to people outside

Hello @Gonefishing2, @Old_rocker and @Ann1

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I am so sorry to hear about your home situation and wanted to offer some support.

I’m not sure if you have ever spoken to anyone on our MS Helpline, but they will be able to give you support via email or over the phone. Our MS Helpline gives emotional support and information to anyone living or affected by MS.

It’s free to call from landlines and mobiles within the UK. What you tell us is confidential and when you call us, it won’t show on your phone bill.

You can get in touch with them on the details below:
Call us on our freephone number: 0808 800 8000

Marian (admin)

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Hi, i understand what youre going through im in a similar situation with my other half. I didnt know it was gonna be like this. Im so sorry youre experiencing this also.

Have you tried the MS helpline? Thats my next step.

I just wanted to say, youre not alone here. Someones going through a similar situation somewher.

In such cases, you need professional help. Don’t hesitate to get it.
On the other hand, check also if he’s a spiritual narcissist. That should help in therapy. Read this article for signs of being one.

I recently read an article which suggests narcissism is can be a form of disguised depression.

As a long time MS sufferer it may explain the mood swings, insomnia and loss of appetite, there was I thinking depression was only thoughts of doom and gloom when clearly there’s more to it than just that.

Some of my lesions are right in the areas that control mood/behaviour/self control and I’ve seen massive personality changes. I have postnatal depression but now the perimental team are leaning towards it being lesion induced or at least exacerbated by it. It must be terrible being on the flip side of how I behave sometimes so I really feel for you. Im having an assessment to see what’s going on and maybe he needs one too? I feel knowledge is power in my case I may never be able to “cure” but I’m certainly going to see what treatment I can have.

My husband has became increasingly difficult to live with. All of the aforementioned narcissistic traits are now every days occurrences.
Now along with spms diagnosis if nearly 20 years, he has been diagnosed with alzheimers. Along with the all the regular ms and narcissist issues hes fantasising and delusional. Im not sure how to managecall these problems and to function.
Im his wife, carer, housekeeper, pa. He’s been calling me mummy for a few tears now, also on public.
Behaviour is challenging and he’s only 68. Sadly could out live me. Im 66 and responsible for absolutely everything.
Hes demanding n controlling. I can’t quite make out if it’s out of fear if abandonment or just spiteful.
Makes stuff up, rewrites advice, even that of hospital consultant to suit his script and personal preference.
Did a disappearing act before Christmas n was missing from 2.30 til 9.30 the following day. Was hiding in an old barn. It had trigger full scale police sesrch and family, friends and wider community. Zero remorse.
Hard to know how to continue. I just ferl to exhausted, too old and it would all be down to me to sort alternatives out.