Strange Low moods

HI all

Just a question. Waiting for hospital to look at my MRI scan. Signs on the MRI could be MS.
Apart from the numb side of face now never had signs of MS before.
But I have always had strange low moods. Maybe 2 or 3 times a year.
Very strange I wake up and feel low for no reason. After a few days back to normal.

Have other people had this before they out told they have MS?

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Hi Teddy Bear, when our health isn’t what we’d like it to be, then it’s common to have low mood.

Plus I think low moods can happen to anyone, given the state the world is in!

I’ve had PPMS 24 years and coped quite well, considering it took 22 years to get a diagnosis.

Jesus our Lord, saved me last year when suffered extreme low mood.
Best wishes, Bouds.

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Good morning @TeddyBear1. Low moods can be attributed to having or adjusting to a new illness and the worries and concerns of what the future might hold. Or as you have mentioned having low moods prior to diagnosis could be totally unrelated.

Whilst, it is a personal decision as to wether it is worth discussing them with the doctor, I would imagine depends on how you feel your low mood is affecting your everyday living. Also, there may be another physiological reason, which could be picked up in blood tests

What I do know is that there are lots of provisions out there to help with low moods, anxiety and depression. Some can be accessed through the nhs as self-referral and some interventions can come through your doctor.

Take care …