Stomach bug and Rebif

Afternoon all,

Over this weekend I’ve had what seems to be as pretty nasty stomach bug or virus, was up all night Saturday with sickness and diarrhoea. Things seem to be settling now, I’ve still not had much to eat and I’m due to take my first Rebif dose of the week tonight. I’m a little reluctant as I’m still feeling quite delicate and achey and sometimes I get bad fluey side effects from the Rebif which I really don’t fancy at the mo. Also I have to take two Ibuprofen with my injection and as my stomachs pretty empty, again I’m reluctant to take them.

Do you think it’s a good idea to skip tonights dose? I can take my first one tomorrow, obviously it’ll knock my normal weekly routine out but I don’t really fancy any side effects at the moment.



Hi Claire,

Yeh it should be ok to skip your rebif tonight and take it tomorrow instead, as long as you get your 3 doses this week on non consecutive days. Not wise to take your ibroprofen on empty tum as you say. Hope you are feeling better soon.


I’m not on rebif but been on betaferon since 1996. Betaferon is taken every 48 hours. I’m not often ill but there have been occasions when I have been away and not taken it with me and when I have come back I have made up the missed dose by taking it every 36 hours for a few days instead of the 48 until I have made up the missed dose. I think you’ll be fine if you miss tonight’s rebif, I agree with what Cathy says. Hope you feel better soon. Cheryl:-)