Steroid advice!

Hi all, I have recently seen an MS specialist for second opinion after a diagnosis of TM last year. Following this appointment i am waiting for an MRI & visual evoked potentials. Two weeks prior to this appointment I started to develop further symptoms, pins & needles, numbness & heaviness in my right arm and leg. These were discussed at the appointment. Since then I have recieved an MRI appointment for 4 weeks time. I just wanted to know if a course of oral methylprednisolone would change MRI outcomes in that time. I saw my gp yesterday as arm & leg symptoms seem to be getting worse. Fingers getting stuck & leg seemed to tighten when changing pedal in car. Gp prescribed steroids. Took first dose last night, hense why an early post! Lying here thinking about next few weeks and probability of definite diagnosis I suddenly thought what if I should be holding off on steroids before MRI? I know I want to reduce symptoms but I so need the MRI to show what is going on! Any advice? Thank you x

I don’t know the answer to this but I had IV steroids 6 months before a third MRI and new lesions and dx appeared then. Karen or George should be able to help. Hlth, Chiso

It’s normally best not to have steroids before an MRI because they can make lesions harder to spot, but waiting isn’t always the best option if your symptoms are bad, especially as steroids work best when taken early. I think, if I were you, I would give my neuro a call and ask whether or not to continue. The worst thing that can happen is that there are no new lesions visible on your MRI and you have to wait for a bit longer for a dx, but the neuro may be happy to dx anyway given that he observed this relapse in action and knows about the steroids. But I’m guessing here - best to get it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. Karen x

Beccabi my experience has been almost the same as yours with TM diagnosis followed by relapse.

My GP held off steroids till I had my follow up MRI, for the reasons Karen said.

Keep us updated? your story is very similar to mine.

Lots of love and hope you start to feel better soon!


Hi, and thanks so much for your advice.

Managed to get hold of Neuro team who contacted my consultant, he was happy for me to continue with treatment but after a chat with a member of the team I have decided not to continue with steroids. Think i would rather cope with the possible relapse symptoms than have another sleepless night and deal with the other side effects from the steroids, remember now how awful I felt last time! I couldn’t bare it if there was any delay in dx due to me taking them either.

I remember posting about a year ago asking for advice about TM and being horrified at how long the whole dx process takes, but do understand now that often it’s not clear cut. It’s not been easy and 14 months on I still don’t have a dx, but hope that the next couple of months will bring some clarity. I now fully understand those who say they would rather be given a diagnosis of MS and know where they are than continue in Limbo.

My second opinion appointment was well worth the very long wait. Have scan in 4 weeks, will keep you posted.

Beccabi x

Thank you for comments Managed to get message to neuro & discussed with member of neuro team. Consultant happy for me to have

Thanks beccabi, hmmmm yes I have another appointment in October and will be amazed if I get a diagnosis.

Almost afraid in case I do as much I expect it at some point I think it will still know me sideways.

Good luck honey