Got a stairlift installed yesterday - finally gave in to pressure from OH and friends. I held out saying it was good exercise to struggle then a couple of weeks ago, it hit me - what a stupid thing to say. Our stairs are narrow and steep with narrow treads - I guess Norfolk labourers 80 years ago had very small feet! Impressed that the whole thing was installed by a young woman engineer working on her own. That’s progress. So now I have no excuse for sending OH to get book, sweater, etc etc which I’ve left upstairs.
That’s good news Lynda.
You have to smile about our stoic attitudes. I used to say that I had to walk to keep going. Use it or lose it? No! We make the best of what we have. I’m sick of falling over because of such stoicism. My father had a stair lift installed. It’s brilliant. Now I’m trying to persuade him to have a wet room. (No chance.)
best wishes, Steve x
That’s great Lynda! I’m sure it will make life much easier.
And agree, great to see women doing this kind of job!
Pat xx
That’s good, Linda you’re life will be so much easier. I know we try so hard not to give in to these things and it has taken me so long to accept the fact that I need a wheelchair for longer distances but I gave in this week and bought myself one and will get it next week.
We went to Edinburgh to visit our daughter and she borrowed a wheelchair for me and it was so good not to feel exhausted and was able to participate in everything they organised for us. Today I am really tired but it has been so worth it.
Mags xx
Ditto on help it’ll give you and woman engineer
Only said last night that I know I’ll need to look at a decent wheelchair soon, I know it’ll open up more freedom for me but I’m also grimly determined to keep walking so my legs don’t pack up on me completely
Sonia x
That’s great Lynda…hope it helps! Did you come to a decision about the lightweight wheelchair?
Take care,
Nina x