Spinal MRI

Looking for some advice. I went to my doctor in January and she believed l was having what she described as an MS attack. I explained how this had happened a few times over the last 2 years but this time it was so bad I thought I was really ill. I couldn’t do anything. She made an urgent referal to neurology and asked for an emergency brain scan. Explained to me that it could be X Y & Z but they believed it to be MS I had a brain MRI ordered and it came back clear which should have been a good thing but it wasn’t. Then I was seen by a neurologist called Dr (removed by moderator) who after examining me said I needed a spinal mri. This was classed as essential and therefore done at the start of lock down. I haven’t received the results yet and I’m coming back round after experiencing what I did back at the end of January but with pins and needles now going all over my nose and excruciating muscle spasms. I called my GP and they said there were no results yet but “it looks like we’re dealing with MS so we’ll start you on baclofen which is what neurology would do” I decided I would chase up my results and called to see if they had arrived I was told yes but hadn’t been posted to my doctor. I asked if I could please have Dr Nikfekr call me and was advised no as he was based in Nottingham and I live in Ayrshire, Scotland. I can only think he’s been doing a private clinic and picked up some NHS back log? Would this mean my GP will get my results regardless of if the MRI is clear or not or would this be referred to the neurology department at my local hospital? I have been told that lesions aren’t a priority and if it can wait I’ll be seen in due course but I’m starting to think I’m going crazy. I’m wondering if I’m imagining all this and my arms get tired after a few seconds of holding something is because I’m unfit? Can anyone offer any advice, please?

Hi, there is usually a follow up letter to you and to your GP after any tests are done.

They might be awaiting a radiologists report. These are the guys who examine MRI scans. It can take several weeks to get a report done.
