Have been self-isolating - locked down - shielded for the past four weeks.
For the last few days have been struggling with what feels like flu (don’t think it’s Covid19.)
Whether it is or not how come I’ve got this viral ? infection when I’ve been isolated - could it be something ot do with my dodgy m.s. immune system which is spontaneously combusting?
Oh blimey Cracowian, I hope it’s not the dreaded CV. What a world, where we hope it’s ‘just’ flu! Or even ‘just’ MS mucking about with your system!
Is it possible that something someone sneezed on, maybe in a supermarket, retained germs? Whether it was the dreaded virus, a cold or flu.
Hopefully you’ll soon feel better.
Sorry to hear that.Hope you pick up soon i hope its not corona,I have heard of a few that have not gone out in weeks get it.So it must have been brought to the home by ways of a parcel or something if you live alone and have not gone out.
definitely got a nasty bug - not sure if it’s covid - feel mega crap but chest is clear.
What seems odd is that I have hardly been out for weeks and not been near anyone either.
I just wondered if my weird and wonderful immune system has sort of stopped working as well?? as usual and any viruses which may have been safely kept in check have suddenly got going.
These bugs are airborne and anyone can get them.
They say Covid isn’t airborne - I’ll believe that when they prove it.
I agree its got be airborne the way its spread round the world…surely.If people can get it who have not left the house for weeks or months.
You say hardly out, so have been yes? Covid is only caught through direct contact with someone who has coughed or sneezed near you, OR can be active on for certain time on services including cardboard boxes. even in supermarkets trolley and things.
When i get a deliver from amazon i am anal and sanitise the box and open with disposal gloves lol…yeh i know anal or what but it is a fact it can last for 24 hours on cardboard.
i doubt its flu. Have you got a temperature?
I felt awful a few weeks back like i had a virus, and it was down to the stupid conker tree outside and grass cutting aka hayfever. never had it until i moved here. I felt rank, but i did chart my temperature every day. 99% of people with covid have a fever even a raised temp for a day at least. My temp was never above what it is normal 36.7 as i have a low temp usually. no cough, but my eyes were itchy and sore. see how you go, do chart your temp if you have one i might be say you could seriously have covid if you have been out in the last 2 weeks.
If you have a mild case you may not even have a cough.
just stay in and lots of fluids. in case either way if it is flu (bit late in season now) it still needs resting. x
It is only ever airborne in certain circumstances.
In the context of COVID-19, airborne transmission may be possible in specific circumstances and settings in which procedures or support treatments that generate aerosols are performed.
it spreads because it is highly INFECTIOUS. you can be stood by someone who is A SYMPTOMATIC (showing no symptoms), and they can be shedding to you if your not more then 2 meters apart. They can be shedding it if they touch surfaces and you do the same that is why its important always 2meter rule and hand wash constantly.
It really isnt airborne in the true meaning of the word. if it was we would nearly all have it by now.
I wont even go out in my corridor in my sheltered to access the side doors as it can be in the air 3 hours so i always wear my mask and ventilation is the key. In my flat my windows are always opened as we have internal vents.
so yes you can get it technically not go out, you can get it technically if you touch your shopping and dont wash your hands, you can get it technically if you stand next to someone who looks healthy.
highly infectious, it is thank god not quite as infectious as measles…yet…lets hope it doesn’t morph that way we are really in poop street.
They reckon about 80% may have it Asymptomatic no symptoms when all the testing and antibody stuff comes out in the months ahead, i think it will be higher.
the way i look at it knowing its SARS-CoV-2 I think it could be many have it and never even know.
which makes it so infectious. so i just assume we ALL HAVE IT lol. and act accordingly.
I do same CC i sanitise everything that comes in my house.It takes me ages when i have a food delivery i wear my rubber gloves too even when i open the post.People think i am over the top doing this but i don’t care.I have not had anyone in the house at all since lockdown and i am going to be very scared when we can have them here.I think i will be even more cautious.
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10 days ago sore throat - temperature - headache - occasional cough. Rubbish next 7 days - better on Saturday then rubbish yesterday - feel better again today.
Whether it’s covid or not I’m surprised I got anything as I’ve been self-isolating and sanitised everything that has come into the house.
I just wondered if my m.s. (knacked) immune system sort of retains various viruses for a long time and lets them emerge when they overwhelm the immune system.??? or is that nonsense??
(When the price comes down and they’re more reliable I will self test for covid antibodies.)
sounds like it could well be corona as it says you can feel better then go down again and be up and down for weeks or months.
to be honest it doesnt sound like covid 19. its rare for sore throat sounds more like flu although if it was normal you cant even get out of bed with flu without MS. but then covid 19 seems to be a law unto itself, as so many people get it different bit like MS SO IT could be.
the high temp is showing an infection colds usually dont come with a temp neither do hayfever.
Not everyone gets a cough with covid it depends on how many little pathogens you get. as you havent been out i would think its classed as a mild case.
If your immune system has been compromised you are open to more things. actually I believe Reactive EBV can be triggered to show symptoms which can be high temp sore throat etc.
have you had EBV? I didnt even know i had it but a blood test showed i had reactive EBV go figure lol.
MS seems to be law unto itself.
I am going to test for antibodies too, as i have felt really unwell for a few weeks, and although i am assuming its hayfever, if i had it mild it would have similar symptoms apart from a cough but never had hay fever in my life.
so this disease Covid is a law unto itself.
hope you feel better soon. xxx
I dont think we have a knackered immune system, i know so many MSERS you have been free of colds and flus since having MS, and nearly all of them dont have flu vaccination so not sure. Maybe we are more likely to eat well and support our immune systems perhaps.
stay safe.