

If you have a smile on your face then it makes other people happy and you feel better.

Have you noticed that people who are serving the public have a smile and if they don’t then you don’t go back

Next time you are in a pub or restaurant look at the staff, do they look happy and smile?

Check it out next time and tell me it I’m right.

Also look at the reaction you get when you are smiling. Yes you might hurt like hell but its better than look 6 shades of s***

Love to hear,


When your smiling, the whole world smiles with you!

Keep smiling, it confuses the enemy!

So the sayings go…

Couldn’t agree more.


Cherry x

Yes Patrick.

look up the poem smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu


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There’s a famous psychology experiment in which the subjects have to hold a pencil in their mouths. Half are told to hold the pencil pointing forward like a cigarette, so it draws the features into a frown. The other half are told to hold the pencil sideways, so it forces the features into something like a smile. Pencils in place, the subjects do psych mood tests, the results of which show that the sideways pencil group are miles more cheery. No joke.


Patrick old bean you are so right.In eight years of riding around on various electrical contraptions I’ve noticed that in general the disabled are a right miserable crowd.I’m now destined to remain on a powerchair, so even though the pain is mighty I get out every day and surprise people when I can make them laugh.Being ‘Half man half wheelbarrow’ is a pest,but ho hum pig’s bum.


ps Alison,I’ve just had one of my front teeth taken out, so there is no rat face when I hold a cigarette in the toofy gap

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this post and the replies have made me…smile!

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I was going to say what Alison said. When we smile & laugh, our brain releases ‘happy chemicals’ in our brain. But apparently our brains can’t tell the difference between a genuine smile & a fake one. So if we put on a smile, even if it’s not natural, our brain will still release the happy chemicals. Now, I regularly just smile for a minute or two, whether when I’m feeling stressed or just doing something normal like sat on the loo.

Give it a try now & see how you feel : )



Did yah know that chocolate releases an happy chemical


#1 - do you think this is why we are always giggling? hee hee

You are so right Patrick.

A smile costs nothing and makes those around you smile too.

You job you don’t smoke cigars Wb or you would need two teeth out. Lol!!

Shazzie xx

Lovely comments. You have all gone to prove my point that smiling really is good for you - keep it going



not to be a killjoy but I live in YORKSHIRE and if people smile at you up here people get a tad suspicious.


found it…

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A motto I have always lived by is:

If you see someone without a smile, give them your’s.

I live in Yorkshire and I love people to smile at me.


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krakowian, I live in Yorkshire too - Sheffield, and we were recently found to be the happiest place to live!


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I live in yorkshire. I know plenty of happy, smiling peeps


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apparently it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile…

although i really like the old line about having someone having laughter lines, the response being ‘nothing is that funny’…




krakowian, I live in Yorkshire too - Sheffield, and we were recently found to be the happiest place to live!


but Sheffield isn’t ‘real’ Yorkshire -

where I live there are vast moors and gales and tough Yorkshire folk who say what they mean and mean what they say and never ever smile.

Like it lots.



krakowian, I live in Yorkshire too - Sheffield, and we were recently found to be the happiest place to live!


but Sheffield isn’t ‘real’ Yorkshire -

where I live there are vast moors and gales and tough Yorkshire folk who say what they mean and mean what they say and never ever smile.

[/quote] poor sad chuffs! Don’t know what you’re missing!


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