Sit to stand…..

I can’t walk now but I can weight bear to transfer, but I’m struggling more and more to get from sitting to standing.
I really don’t want to have to be hoisted.
Any exercise tips?
Any equipment to help?
I’ve got a freeway raiser but that’s no use when I’m alone.
I’m probably behind the times but is Boudicca okay?

The sit to stand exercise is very good at building muscle strength and should help you transfer safely. It’s perfectly ok to cheat a bit and if you have an adjustable chair, then start on the highest position. Put a walking frame in front of you and push up with one hand on the frame and the other on the chair arm.
All a bit obvious, but build up slowly and only do what you can safely manage.

Learn to stand, walk and sit with a walking frame | NHS inform

*** Actually, it’s probably better to get a physio to assess your capabilities and suggest some manageable exercises.

Good little video Whammel :+1:

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Thanks that’s really helpful.

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Hiya flowerpot,

As long as you can still put weight through your legs there’s a stand aid but you’ll need assistance as you can’t move it be yourself. Otherwise you could try the static pedals you can use these whilst sitting in a chair, they’ll strengthen your legs whilst sitting to make it easier to put weight through them to transfer.

Hi flowerpot, I’m in the same position as you, can’t walk, but at the moment can still transfer, I use the static pedals to exercise and keep my legs as strong as possible, I also use 1.5kg dumbbells to keep my arms strong, I do bicep and tricep exercises, anything just to try and stay strong, good luck to you.
Jean x

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I can’t raise either leg from the hip so I can’t pedal. Would powered static pedals help?

I guess it’s worth a try as it’s still working on those muscles used to stand. Have you had ant input from the physio or OT ? You could also have a look on Pinterest for some exercises for your thighs.

I hope you find a workable solution.

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Thanks. :hugs:

A few years ago I had a number of exercise sessions with the neuro physio, where I sat on my wheelchair and she “wired me up” to a FES type machine which was attached to a static exercise bike. With the FES supplementing my own power, I was able to pedal, which I couldn’t do own my own. This was one of a number of things which kept me somewhat active back then.

Ah yes, that would be the RT300 and my local rehabilitation gym has one. Sadly they are all too rare, as they can really help build muscle strength.

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