Hi Guys,
Not sure what to do. I have only been dx’d since April and already am feeling like I am living in doctors surgeries etc.
Anyway I went to the optician just over 2 weeks ago as I was having headaches and not reacting well to light. I didn’t want to go the the hospital really as I didn’t want it on my medical record…
My vision tested fine but he gave me a field vision test and found a defect and wrote a letter to refer me on to the hospital which I am waiting for (I posted at the time about it). So, in the last couple of weeks it’s worse, noticing on/off blurred vision in one eye and difficulty and pain in seeing anything lit, eg the computer screen, the tv. Should I call my nurse on Monday or do I wait on this referral. I know the referral didn’t mention anything about the light issues or headaches (or the family history of glaucoma) because I read it and by the time I got to see a doctor about it, it had already been sent off, it did mention my MS.
Do you think she would be able to hurry an appointment along?
Thank you in advance, sick of worrying about it…