Right proved it

I’ve been on LDN 4.5mg for nearly 7 years. Has it worked/does it work, very difficult to measure it with a proggresive disease constantly,well proggressing and maybe with some plateaus thrown in for good measure.

So very difficult to know, when I first started takng it I noticed some good improvements with just about everything but for the last couple of years things have declined. So I stopped taking it for a few months to get it out of my system and quite frankly didnt notice any difference, things were just as bad.

Now Ive started taking it again, firstly at night as recomended but changed back to when I get up as was doing before.

There is definately a marked improvement again with just about everything. Less tired , more alert, forgetting words has improved and most importantly walking and balance have improved I’d say about 30% .

So I wonder if my body had just got used to it over the years and the MS had kind of found a way to overide it. Now taking it again has produced a kick start effect. Dont think its a placebo effect as I was pretty convinced it had stopped working !!

Interested to know if anyone else has had similar experiences with it or any other similar medication for that matter !!

While I have not had a similar experience, I do understand that it pays to experiment with ldn, and apparently, those taking the drug for a number of years can benefit from a lower dose (according to Dr Zagon). I don’t think it is placebo either (does it work after ten years?), because Americans give it to their animals and they still seem to improve.

Anyway, glad to hear ldn is working again and hope the improvements are here to stay.

good news I dont take it maybe one for me to try.